+ Fix an issue with WorldEdit that would cause signs and heads to become invisible when `//undo` is used
+ Allow [$45] donators and above to use the `/npc equipment`, `/npc glowing` and `/npc glowingColor` command
+ Add the camel disguise to [$65] donators and the sniffer disguise to [$85] donators
+ Fix an issue with the chat filter censoring certain words that were not profanity
+ Allow donators to use hex codes and color codes in roleplay names, allow [$100] to use multiple hex codes in roleplay names
+ Add /`pst` as an alias for plot staff chat
+ Allow unlimited capital letters in plot staff chat
+ Fix a bug that prevented players from disabling welcome messages in `/settings`
+ Fix friend notifications not appearing
+ Unban snowball and egg
+ Fix a bug with /r not allowing more than 4 capital letters
+ Change the colour of homes in /seen to make them distinct from previous usernames
+ Change the /vote broadcast message to use hex colors
+ Ignored players can no longer send mail, teleport requests and friend requests
+ Server has been updated to 1.20
+ Updated the server to 1.20.1
+ Fix an issue with WorldEdit that would cause signs and heads to become invisible when `//undo` is used
+ Allow [$45] donators and above to use the `/npc equipment`, `/npc glowing` and `/npc glowingColor` command
+ Add the camel disguise to [$65] donators and the sniffer disguise to [$85] donators
+ Fix an issue with the chat filter censoring certain words that were not profanity
+ Add a plot staff chat channel, to enter the chat channel use /plotstaff
+ Allow donators to use hex codes and color codes in roleplay names, allow [$100] to use multiple hex codes in roleplay names
+ Add /`pst` as an alias for plot staff chat
+ Allow unlimited capital letters in plot staff chat
+ Fix a bug that prevented players from disabling welcome messages in `/settings`
+ Fixed some false positives in the chat filter
+ Add the word "shi" in the toggle filter
+ Fixed a lot of false positives in the chat filter
+ Add cross-server inventory
+ Fixed a lot of false positives in the chat filter
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Fixed a lot of false positives in the chat filter
+ Fixed a bug that caused the sign editing ui to show up when right clicking on role signs
+ Add /npc attribute to allow Donator [$45]+ to set the pose or animation of an NPC.
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Fixed a lot of false positives in the chat filter
+ Claim a plot automatically for new players
+ Allow capital letters in /msg
+ Add support for 1.20.2
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Fix friend notifications not appearing
+ Unban snowball and egg
+ Fix a bug with /r not allowing more than 4 capital letters
+ Change the colour of homes in /seen to make them distinct from previous usernames
+ Change the /vote broadcast message to use hex colors
+ Ignored players can no longer send mail, teleport requests and friend requests
+ Add a /proximity [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400] command for local chat, to reset your proximity range use /proximity reset