Hey, id like to join, my username is swipn and my discord is swipn#0932. I'm more of a competitive player and love the concept of lifesteal because it gives more reason to kill other players other than a couple of pieces of armor. I'm also very active most of the time. hope I get accepted bye lol
Hey, I've been looking for a decent lifesteal 1.18+ Server. Me and my friend would love to join. My discord is: The_Therapist#8889. My friend's is Sk3tcHy B0y#8922. Thanks :).
Hey, sorry for the late reply. My discord is wolruso#4102 and my IGN is Rametsi. I play competetivily and I'd be very active. I would love to join because I love lifesteal and competetive minecraft!
He can I join? I've been looking for a lifesteal server to play on that wont be overloaded with people! tofu_here#1234
I Would love to join my discord user is Real_MCchicken#2011
I'm pretty decent at 1.9 pvp (since I mostly main 1.8 pvp) and I love stabbing people for no reason so this sounds like a fun concept!
Also I got a youtube channel I want to bring back from the dead, and I think this SMP would be a great fresh start for me
Discord: Innocent#5005
id love to Blueye#5965
I would also like to join this smp as well
I would love to join. M discord is: sEb#9282
looks fun, my discord is McRib#0427
BladeTides#7645 bored as hell looking for a chill server to play
seems cool aple#4063
Hey, id like to join, my username is swipn and my discord is swipn#0932. I'm more of a competitive player and love the concept of lifesteal because it gives more reason to kill other players other than a couple of pieces of armor. I'm also very active most of the time. hope I get accepted bye lol
Hello my name is Choiboi0812 and i would love to join becuz i actucally saw one of my online friend make a application
about this and also its becuz i've been play on alot of server and they don't have pvp on so thats why i want to join
DISCORD : Choiboi0812#0115
troleu#9843 if you dont give me ip i will cry
ps my dog have cancer give ip plz
id love to join!! my discord name is 《~♡Ãţhəñä♡~》#6198 and my IGN is Timmas3641
i would also love to join this server
my discord:quikwie#0059
interesting concept, names Oli, just got back onto Minecraft. Tryna find a server i can be active on. Discord: shiftigeeza
I've got a highly extensive knowledge of game mechanics, as well as an extensive knowledge of redstone.
I would love to join this SMP my discord username is DubleloloXD#9559
and my ign (In Game Name) is Dublelolo_OrNot
Hey, I've been looking for a decent lifesteal 1.18+ Server. Me and my friend would love to join. My discord is: The_Therapist#8889. My friend's is Sk3tcHy B0y#8922. Thanks :).
Hey, sorry for the late reply. My discord is wolruso#4102 and my IGN is Rametsi. I play competetivily and I'd be very active. I would love to join because I love lifesteal and competetive minecraft!