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Hello, I am interested in joining this server my discord profile is The Leviathan#7887 and I sent you a friend request, I hope I can play on it at some point
accept me pls
hey, id like to join. my discord is KIMBATANKY6#0641
hey id like to join my discord is OliGamez#8668
i sent you a friend request so if you could accept that that be good
-Zenitsu Agatsuma#7374 I kinda want to join, this sounds like fun.
hey man I do like to join my discord id : MrRoyale(MARK 85)#5419 please add me
hey can I join? my discord is MeepGamer99#9630
Hello, I am interested in joining this server my discord profile is The Leviathan#7887 and I sent you a friend request, I hope I can play on it at some point
accept me pls
hey, id like to join. my discord is KIMBATANKY6#0641
hey id like to join my discord is OliGamez#8668
i sent you a friend request so if you could accept that that be good
-Zenitsu Agatsuma#7374 I kinda want to join, this sounds like fun.
hey man I do like to join my discord id : MrRoyale(MARK 85)#5419 please add me
hey can I join? my discord is MeepGamer99#9630