I'm looking for a skyblock server that has many players but does not alter the heart of the skyblock and not p2w of course. Here are things i'm looking for.
A player oriented economy. There should be either no server shop or in a way it has no major impact on player economy
No spawners at all. spawners kill the joy of building different farms and designs and are just for soulless addicted players. skyblock should be more than just assembling a few spawners and selling the drops. it should be about growing.
[optional] side quests or expanded advancements to engage you and bring the feel of rpg to the game (not as huge as hypixel ofcourse )
no OP tools or armors. it should be what players can achieve in vanilla minecraft.
No op abilities or items (like /fly or things like that) specially not for sale with real money. That is stupid and if is selling those everyone should leave that server immediately.
Please help me find a good server (or realm) with those characteristics. Thanks
I'm looking for a skyblock server that has many players but does not alter the heart of the skyblock and not p2w of course. Here are things i'm looking for.
Please help me find a good server (or realm) with those characteristics. Thanks