Accepting players on a newly created server running FTB-Revelation mod pack.
Is a good server, but being such a heavy load from all the mods that make up this pack, I want to start out by only adding 5 players, then will potentially recruit more, once I see how the server load is with about 5-10 players on it (already have like 5 active players).
Our FTB-Revelation pack runs using Minecraft Java version 1.12.2, also to play on the server you'll need to install the FTB-Revelations modpack using the Twitch App (I'd be more than happy to walk you through that).
Please reply below with the following information, so I can try to get 5 people that best fit our community:
1.) Age
2.) What is your favorite type of minecraft community and do you usually become part of the social community when you join a server?
3.) What do you enjoy doing the most in Minecraft?
4.) How long do you typically play on a server, before you move onto another one, or another game?
5.) Do you use discord? Do you like to talk in voicechat, in discord?
Accepting players on a newly created server running FTB-Revelation mod pack.
Is a good server, but being such a heavy load from all the mods that make up this pack, I want to start out by only adding 5 players, then will potentially recruit more, once I see how the server load is with about 5-10 players on it (already have like 5 active players).
Our FTB-Revelation pack runs using Minecraft Java version 1.12.2, also to play on the server you'll need to install the FTB-Revelations modpack using the Twitch App (I'd be more than happy to walk you through that).
Please reply below with the following information, so I can try to get 5 people that best fit our community:
1.) Age
2.) What is your favorite type of minecraft community and do you usually become part of the social community when you join a server?
3.) What do you enjoy doing the most in Minecraft?
4.) How long do you typically play on a server, before you move onto another one, or another game?
5.) Do you use discord? Do you like to talk in voicechat, in discord?
Reset the server on 7/6/2020, realized map wasn't generated using Biomes O'Plenty.