Hello all. I am an old minecraft player who started when the game was released. I used to host my own server back in the day with my friends but it seems none of them are still into minecraft. I have been playing on my single player world for the last few months to learn the new features and I am back and ready to make a new server. It will be Java vanilla survival minecraft! Looking for around 16 people. Please fill out the application below if you are interested.
Time Zone:
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...):
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): [/b]Im more of a builder and sometimes like to get technical.
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: [/b]Cant really say, my UNI year is coming to a close so perhaps ill have more time but I cant really give a set time. Sometimes I'll get on for hours and sometimes for less.
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: [/b]Umm I've been very much into rythym games as of late but other than that Im not much of a gamer.
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): [/b]Yup KronicleX#1736
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): RedStone, Farms, Grinding
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 10 (Could be a lot more)
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: X Com, Portal,
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Y drewidrox#0416
Years Playing Minecraft: On and off since the game started.
I had to create a Twitch account just to do this. I am looking to play on a "hermit craft" type server. I have done pretty much everything you can do in the game, but never played with an economy or other long term folks.
Hello all. I am an old minecraft player who started when the game was released. I used to host my own server back in the day with my friends but it seems none of them are still into minecraft. I have been playing on my single player world for the last few months to learn the new features and I am back and ready to make a new server. It will be Java vanilla survival minecraft! Looking for around 16 people. Please fill out the application below if you are interested.
Time Zone:
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...):
Expected Hours Per Week On Server:
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft:
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N):
Years Playing Minecraft:
Time Zone:CST[/b]
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...):Building[/b]
Expected Hours Per Week On Server:10-20[/b]
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft:Garry's Mod[/b]
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N):Yes, my name is BeHeTee#6822[/b]
Years Playing Minecraft:7[/b]
Age: 14
Time Zone: GMT+12
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): Building/Redstone
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 10
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: TF2
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Yes, my tag is NinamanAS#6089
Years Playing Minecraft: 6
sent friend invite on discord
sent invite on discord
Age: 14[/b]
Time Zone: CEST[/b]
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): i like building, im builder on a minecraft server, i also like building big farms[/b]
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 5 each day so 5x7=35 hours[/b]
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: terrraria[/b]
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): yes, my discord name is Sleekabyss#5144[/b]
Years Playing Minecraft: i started playing minecraft in 2015. so that is 5 years![/b]
Age: 23[/b]
Time Zone: USA central [/b]
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): Bit of all, exploration.[/b]
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 1-5[/b]
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: Terraria and Any Zelda.[/b]
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): maybe[/b]
Years Playing Minecraft: 10 ish[/b]
Age: 24
Time Zone: CET (Germany)
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): building i guess. But i like redstone and machinery too.
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 20+ depends on my work schedule
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: Overwatch
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Yes for sure
Years Playing Minecraft: since beta 2011. I havent played all the time but the last few months so i am up to date.
Age: 19
Time Zone: EST
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): I'm here to relax, build, mine, and play general survival. I don't specialize.
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: ~5+ (I have online school and work atm, school ends soon so may increase)
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: Overwatch (p.s. hello person above who also said overwatch)
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): potentially, antlo#7158
Years Playing Minecraft: started playing before this account was made
Age: 21[/b]
Time Zone: [/b]GMT +2 Finland
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): [/b]Im more of a builder and sometimes like to get technical.
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: [/b]Cant really say, my UNI year is coming to a close so perhaps ill have more time but I cant really give a set time. Sometimes I'll get on for hours and sometimes for less.
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: [/b]Umm I've been very much into rythym games as of late but other than that Im not much of a gamer.
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): [/b]Yup KronicleX#1736
Years Playing Minecraft: [/b]6 ish ?not sure XD
Age: 14[/b]
Time Zone: BST (UK)[/b]
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): Building and a little bit of redstone[/b]
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 10+[/b]
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: Rainbow six seige[/b]
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Probably edgypanda71#1703[/b]
Years Playing Minecraft: 6[/b]
Time Zone: CDT
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): Building and redstone
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 8-20
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: Terraria?
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Y
Years Playing Minecraft: 8
Age: 18[/b]
Time Zone: CDT[/b]
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): Building[/b]
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: During this outbreak, you probably wont see me offline[/b]
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: Roblox[/b]
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Y[/b]
Years Playing Minecraft: 8 years[/b]
Age: 22 [M][/b]
Time Zone: MST[/b]
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): Redstone / automatic farms. Gathering resources for myself and the community![/b]
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: ~10 or more. Depends on how active the rest of the community is.[/b]
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: Rocket League or Call of Duty[/b]
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Yes. Slacke#2996[/b]
Years Playing Minecraft: ~7 years[/b]
Time Zone: GMT -3
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): PvE and PvP. I am a very good survivor, I play a lot and learn quickly.
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 10-35
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: on mobyle, Polytopia. On PC, Stardew Valley.
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Yes Peznerd#6260
Years Playing Minecraft: 7
Age: 16[/b]
Time Zone: GMT+2 [/b]
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): Building and grinding (mining and resource gathering)[/b]
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: at least 7[/b]
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: Counter strike, stardew valley, far cry[/b]
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Yes. I rather write than talk, since my wrtiting skills are far better than my speaking ones. [/b]
Years Playing Minecraft: Since 2011[/b]
Age: 45
Time Zone: EST
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): RedStone, Farms, Grinding
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 10 (Could be a lot more)
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: X Com, Portal,
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): Y drewidrox#0416
Years Playing Minecraft: On and off since the game started.
I had to create a Twitch account just to do this. I am looking to play on a "hermit craft" type server. I have done pretty much everything you can do in the game, but never played with an economy or other long term folks.
Age: 12 (Almost 13)[/b]
Time Zone: Chicago[/b]
Best Skill In Minecraft (redstone, building, etc...): Building, and grinding [/b]
Expected Hours Per Week On Server: 10-15[/b]
Favorite Game Other Than Minecraft: Cities Skylines and Call of Duty[/b]
Willingness to Chat on Discord (Y/N): yes Gladiator PC #6026[/b]
Years Playing Minecraft: 5 [/b]