4.) More Mobheads - All mobs rarely drop their mobhead, very fun to collect them all!
5.) Silktouch Spawners - Spawners can be picked up using a Diamond or Netherite silktouch pickaxe!
6.) Server Sleep - Only 1 online player needs to sleep in a bed to turn night to day.
7.) Universal Dying - can dye using mixed colors of glass, wool, or terracotta (doesn't have to be all plain glass, white wool, or hardened terracotta).
8.) Woodcutter - Stonecutter now gives all the options for wood as it does for stone!
9.) Novemia Custom Recipes - Added a few recipes at player requests. For example: Cook obsidian in a furnace to get glowstones, can craft wool back into string, can craft end portal frames using 8 obsidian with a diamond in the center.
We have a mature community, almost everyone is 25 or older. Once players get established, we'll get together and do what we call Shoptown, where each player builds their own shop and we get a shopping district on the server.
Basic rules:
1.) No griefing or stealing ! We have zero tolerance !
2.) Please don't mess with anyone else's build, unless you have their explicit permission.
3.) Be nice and respectful to others.
4.) Please don't build right next to another player, map is unlimited, and is a longterm map, so please give plenty of room for your neighbors to add on to their build.
We have a nice community of nice people, most often we all chat in discord, we don't care if you swear, just be an adult
Fastest way to get whitelisted is to join our discord channel and then message me there, and I'll get you whitelisted really fast !
Server is now updated to 20w16a, and did a soft reset (player areas in nether were left alone, only non-built areas were reset) of the nether, we now have the piglin bastions and portal ruins
Server is now updated to 20w20b, Fixed the Enderdragon datapack so that it now once again drops elytra , updated the mobhead datapack so that piglins, zombified piglins, and hoglins drop their mobheads and other ones work properly after the minor change of 1.16.
as of snapshot 20w20b, 2x2 tree growth still doesn't work. I'll put in a temporary recipe for darkoak logs, since at the moment we can't grow them, check the discord for the recipe
Whitelist, PvE, Very Vanilla, Snapshot 20w20b, Survival, semi-RP
IP: Novemia.havocdns.com
1.) Afkdisplay - If player is AFK, their name will show as gray on player list.
2.) Armorstands - Gives tons of options for armorstands (for example: lets you add arms , pose them, make them invisible)
3.) Enddragon - Respawned enddragons loot : dragon head, dragon egg, and elytra
4.) More Mobheads - All mobs rarely drop their mobhead, very fun to collect them all!
5.) Silktouch Spawners - Spawners can be picked up using a Diamond or Netherite silktouch pickaxe!
6.) Server Sleep - Only 1 online player needs to sleep in a bed to turn night to day.
7.) Universal Dying - can dye using mixed colors of glass, wool, or terracotta (doesn't have to be all plain glass, white wool, or hardened terracotta).
8.) Woodcutter - Stonecutter now gives all the options for wood as it does for stone!
9.) Novemia Custom Recipes - Added a few recipes at player requests. For example: Cook obsidian in a furnace to get glowstones, can craft wool back into string, can craft end portal frames using 8 obsidian with a diamond in the center.
We have a mature community, almost everyone is 25 or older. Once players get established, we'll get together and do what we call Shoptown, where each player builds their own shop and we get a shopping district on the server.
Basic rules:
1.) No griefing or stealing ! We have zero tolerance !
2.) Please don't mess with anyone else's build, unless you have their explicit permission.
3.) Be nice and respectful to others.
4.) Please don't build right next to another player, map is unlimited, and is a longterm map, so please give plenty of room for your neighbors to add on to their build.
We have a nice community of nice people, most often we all chat in discord, we don't care if you swear, just be an adult
Fastest way to get whitelisted is to join our discord channel and then message me there, and I'll get you whitelisted really fast !
Server is now updated to 20w14a ! We now have Zoglins and ocelots spawning again (finally!).
Server is now updated to 20w16a, and did a soft reset (player areas in nether were left alone, only non-built areas were reset) of the nether, we now have the piglin bastions and portal ruins
Server is now updated to 20w20b, Fixed the Enderdragon datapack so that it now once again drops elytra
, updated the mobhead datapack so that piglins, zombified piglins, and hoglins drop their mobheads and other ones work properly after the minor change of 1.16.
as of snapshot 20w20b, 2x2 tree growth still doesn't work. I'll put in a temporary recipe for darkoak logs, since at the moment we can't grow them, check the discord for the recipe