Sup! I've been playin Minecraft on another server for a couple years now but have stopped since last August due to burnout. But since 1.15 came out not too long ago, I watched content creators on YT enjoying the latest updates thus peaked my interest to start anew and play the game from ground zero with other people on a server.
My IGN is Xecthos, im 26 and from Canada. Love me some vanilla survival grind, nothing beats it. What makes it even better is with others. I would love to be apart of your community i am active and helpful
Hello I'm Marcus, IGN AgelessInsight, I'm 21 from the United States and I've been looking for a good long-form community to play Minecraft with for years now and this sounds perfect for me.
Bonjourno! My IGN is MasterDekra, i am sort of a new-ish player that knows that basics but it not an advance player. I am 28 year young and from Canada eh! My interest in minecraft have been growing, i've been bored playing singlerplayer. Im looking for a non griefing / long term server that i can meet ppl and have fun :).
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
I'm 22 from central Florida and my IGN: z0mbie_savior
I've played Minecraft on and off for around 10 years periodically joining vanilla survival servers but in time they've all been abandon/shut down. I really enjoy the community and Vanilla aspects of Minecraft I also love building not just for functionality I like things to look nice as well. I'm pretty friendly and I defiantly wont cause any trouble. I also just want to say that I play other games and also have things to do outside of Minecraft so I might be off for a while sometimes but I'm really looking for a sever that wont ban me for being away for a week or two. My end goal is to make some friends and have some fun even though that sounds cheesy
What do you do? Make large themed area builds. Usually terraforming the land with lots of small to medium sized structures. Have ambitions to learn redstone
My discord is DM.Frederyck#9851
I do not have experience playing Minecraft in multiplayer. I have watching to Mumbo Jumbo playing in the Hermitcraft server and now they started a new season. I just want to play with some nice people too
edit: for ign try DM_Frederyck
Should work this time, sorry for my mistake
Hello there! I'm Kallekulle, although ingame I go by "notkallekulle". I'm 22 years old, studying electrical engineering, and I live in Finland. Only just returned from a 3-4 year break from minecraft, played some semi-vanilla but found it too easy so I'm looking to join a pure vanilla server with a decent sized community and fresh map!
Age: 25
Location: Sweden
IGN: Glowhetic
Looking for an active server with a good community
added you glow
BentCraft Server IP:
Discord:. BentValve84#7684
had about 10 people on at the same time tonight. there is, and will be room for more
BentCraft Server IP:
Discord:. BentValve84#7684
IGN: Incantum
Age: 23
Location: OCE
Sup! I've been playin Minecraft on another server for a couple years now but have stopped since last August due to burnout. But since 1.15 came out not too long ago, I watched content creators on YT enjoying the latest updates thus peaked my interest to start anew and play the game from ground zero with other people on a server.
well you're welcome to join. burnout is real, and i like to remind ppl to take breaks and pace themselves
adding you now
BentCraft Server IP:
Discord:. BentValve84#7684
Hey man,
My IGN is Xecthos, im 26 and from Canada. Love me some vanilla survival grind, nothing beats it. What makes it even better is with others. I would love to be apart of your community i am active and helpful
Hello I'm Marcus, IGN AgelessInsight, I'm 21 from the United States and I've been looking for a good long-form community to play Minecraft with for years now and this sounds perfect for me.
i added all of 3 of you!
BentCraft Server IP:
Discord:. BentValve84#7684
Hi I’m Mike my ign is Opxoid I’m 20 years old
Location: UK
IGN: blatant07
Been watching the new hermitcraft season too and have caught the minecraft bug again! Would love to join!
Bonjourno! My IGN is MasterDekra, i am sort of a new-ish player that knows that basics but it not an advance player. I am 28 year young and from Canada eh! My interest in minecraft have been growing, i've been bored playing singlerplayer. Im looking for a non griefing / long term server that i can meet ppl and have fun :).
Im 16 years old and have been looking for a nice vanila server my in game name is SHABO_03 and i live in sweden PS what does ign stand for?
In game name
I'm 22 from central Florida and my IGN: z0mbie_savior
I've played Minecraft on and off for around 10 years periodically joining vanilla survival servers but in time they've all been abandon/shut down. I really enjoy the community and Vanilla aspects of Minecraft I also love building not just for functionality I like things to look nice as well. I'm pretty friendly and I defiantly wont cause any trouble. I also just want to say that I play other games and also have things to do outside of Minecraft so I might be off for a while sometimes but I'm really looking for a sever that wont ban me for being away for a week or two. My end goal is to make some friends and have some fun even though that sounds cheesy
Age: 25
Ign: onionman_
From: Pennsylvania
What do you do? Make large themed area builds. Usually terraforming the land with lots of small to medium sized structures. Have ambitions to learn redstone
Favorite hermitcrafters: Grian, Scar & bdouble0100
I am 23 and from North Carolina. My IGN is WQ6 and discord is HaleBraxton#4611
I am 23, from Brazil. My IGN is DMFrederyck
My discord is DM.Frederyck#9851
I do not have experience playing Minecraft in multiplayer. I have watching to Mumbo Jumbo playing in the Hermitcraft server and now they started a new season. I just want to play with some nice people too
edit: for ign try DM_Frederyck
Should work this time, sorry for my mistake
Hello there! I'm Kallekulle, although ingame I go by "notkallekulle". I'm 22 years old, studying electrical engineering, and I live in Finland. Only just returned from a 3-4 year break from minecraft, played some semi-vanilla but found it too easy so I'm looking to join a pure vanilla server with a decent sized community and fresh map!
Hi there!
I'm 28 years old, originally from Florida (now in PA), and my ign is BaronVonProto