Discord (you must have a Discord account): Chris008#2473
Timezone or country: UK GMT
Why do you want to join?: Normal Pixelmon is getting boring, it feel too quick and easy and im looking for something that will challenge me and keep me playing and coming back to the server and this seems like the perfect thing. I like the fact that you're pretty much left alone from the start. Just put in the world and you've gotta get your first pokeballs yourself and fend for yourself, It seems fun
What can you bring to the server?: A consistant player, Someone who is willing to help new people and i crack some pretty funny jokes from time to time
How many hours a week can you play?: I can play quite a few hours a day, Since lockdown is still in effect its really easy for me to get on and play
Anything else you want to mention?: Not really
Favorite Pokèmon: Entei, Best legendary dont @ me
Hello, I have submitted an application before but I turned down the interview because I was already playing on another server. I am interested in joining this server and would like to do an interview now. My discord is Honk Honk Honk#7236
Username: Koicat[/b]
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord Distressed Creature#6035[/b]
Timezone or country: USA, Pacific Time[/b]
Why do you want to join?: I Want to join because I'm looking for a server with a more dedicated community, and a server with no PTW stuff like crate keys, bought high iv pokes, legends, and other things that are considered PTW[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: I consider my self a good builder, and I'm also decently well-versed in all things pokemon/pixlemon so I can help those who might need it.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: 8-20 [/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: I love all the interesting features you guys have like no starters and rarer legends (makes legendary more well legendary.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Altaria (mega) [/b]
Username: dk1701[/b]
Age: 32[/b]
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): dk1701#5347[/b]
Timezone or country: US, Central[/b]
Why do you want to join?: Pixelmon looks interesting. I don't like public servers.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: A friendly attitude, a desire to be a part of a community, years of experience playing MC.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: Working from home right now, so a lot. If things go back to normal, a couple hours a night during the week, more on the weekends.[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: I'm looking for a nice, friendly, and safe community to play with. I've got an 8 year old daughter that likes to play with me, and may be sitting with me as I play.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Charmander is the only correct answer.[/b]
Hello, I have submitted an application before but I turned down the interview because I was already playing on another server. I am interested in joining this server and would like to do an interview now. My discord is Honk Honk Honk#7236
Username: Koicat
Gender: Male
Discord Distressed Creature#6035
Timezone or country: USA, Pacific Time
Why do you want to join?: I Want to join because I'm looking for a server with a more dedicated community, and a server with no PTW stuff like crate keys, bought high iv pokes, legends, and other things that are considered PTW
What can you bring to the server?: I consider my self a good builder, and I'm also decently well-versed in all things pokemon/pixlemon so I can help those who might need it.
How many hours a week can you play?: 8-20
Anything else you want to mention?: I love all the interesting features you guys have like no starters and rarer legends (makes legendary more well legendary.
Favorite Pokèmon: Altaria (mega)
Username: dk1701
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Discord (you must have a Discord account): dk1701#5347
Timezone or country: US, Central
Why do you want to join?: Pixelmon looks interesting. I don't like public servers.
What can you bring to the server?: A friendly attitude, a desire to be a part of a community, years of experience playing MC.
How many hours a week can you play?: Working from home right now, so a lot. If things go back to normal, a couple hours a night during the week, more on the weekends.
Anything else you want to mention?: I'm looking for a nice, friendly, and safe community to play with. I've got an 8 year old daughter that likes to play with me, and may be sitting with me as I play.
Favorite Pokèmon: Charmander is the only correct answer.
Thank you everyone for applying, and sorry for the long response-time! I've added you all on Discord for an interview! I also still have your application honkhonkh0nk, so no problem!
Username: Aspodla[/b]
Gender: male[/b]
Timezone or country: US[/b]
Why do you want to join?: My friend and I want to play pixelmon together and we wanted to find a chill server to join and we found this on[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: I am very knowledgeable about pokemon so I can help new players with typings and moves for pokemon [/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: I can play around 4 hours a day most of the time more[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: I love pokemon and would really like to play on this server at it looks like the best one that I found[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon:scizor[/b]
Username: mingchino[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account):El mingas#6811[/b]
Timezone or country: spain [/b]
Why do you want to join?: No pay to win pixelmon server, and some chill time after work.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: THE BEST TRAINER U WILL EVER SEEN, joking xD i don´t know, another crazy dude?[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: 3- 20hours? [/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: i´m not english speaker so my english could be bad.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Cyndaquill and Quilava[/b]
6) I've wanted to play in a survival Pixelmon server for a while, though most just make it too easy. I'm also interested in finding new friends that I actually share interests with hahah.
7) I'm usually quite a positive empathetic person, though shy. So I'll always offer help to anyone who needs it. I've got a lot of Pokemon/Pixelmon knowledge. I also give mental health or just overall emotional advice, because I've always aimed to help people, who have issues simmilar to me. (Depression and Anxiety)
8) Due to quarantine and summer vacation just around the corner, maybe a minimum of 6? I don't really have a social life though, so it might come around to way more than that.
9) If anyone ever just needs advice or even to just vent, my messages are ALWAYS open. If I lack knowledge in a department you need help with, I always end up doing at least some research in order to be of some help.
10) Thats a tough choice, though I love Ghost and Ice types. Top 5 are probably Aurorus, Pumpkaboo, Altaria, Alolan Vulpix and Empoleon.
Username: Miyauchi
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Discord (you must have a Discord account): Miyauchi#3484
Timezone or country: GMT+8
Why do you want to join?: I have recently come back to pixelmon, I can't seem to find a server where it isn't pay to win with all these crates for easy rare pokemon. I can't seem to get motivated to do anything since how easy these servers are. I saw the reddit post and it peeked my interest.
What can you bring to the server?: A fun active individual who is willing to help others and try to bring some fun.
How many hours a week can you play?: with quarantine going on about 6+ hours a day
Anything else you want to mention?: I'm pretty shy at first but once I get more comfortable apparently I get a bit crazy also watch tons of anime.
Favorite Pokèmon: Gardevoir
Username: Aspodla
Gender: male
Timezone or country: US
Why do you want to join?: My friend and I want to play pixelmon together and we wanted to find a chill server to join and we found this on
What can you bring to the server?: I am very knowledgeable about pokemon so I can help new players with typings and moves for pokemon
How many hours a week can you play?: I can play around 4 hours a day most of the time more
Anything else you want to mention?: I love pokemon and would really like to play on this server at it looks like the best one that I found
Favorite Pokèmon:scizor
Username: mingchino
Discord (you must have a Discord account):El mingas#6811
Timezone or country: spain
Why do you want to join?: No pay to win pixelmon server, and some chill time after work.
What can you bring to the server?: THE BEST TRAINER U WILL EVER SEEN, joking xD i don´t know, another crazy dude?
How many hours a week can you play?: 3- 20hours?
Anything else you want to mention?: i´m not english speaker so my english could be bad.
Favorite Pokèmon: Cyndaquill and Quilava
6) I've wanted to play in a survival Pixelmon server for a while, though most just make it too easy. I'm also interested in finding new friends that I actually share interests with hahah.
7) I'm usually quite a positive empathetic person, though shy. So I'll always offer help to anyone who needs it. I've got a lot of Pokemon/Pixelmon knowledge. I also give mental health or just overall emotional advice, because I've always aimed to help people, who have issues simmilar to me. (Depression and Anxiety)
8) Due to quarantine and summer vacation just around the corner, maybe a minimum of 6? I don't really have a social life though, so it might come around to way more than that.
9) If anyone ever just needs advice or even to just vent, my messages are ALWAYS open. If I lack knowledge in a department you need help with, I always end up doing at least some research in order to be of some help.
10) Thats a tough choice, though I love Ghost and Ice types. Top 5 are probably Aurorus, Pumpkaboo, Altaria, Alolan Vulpix and Empoleon.
Username: Miyauchi
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Discord (you must have a Discord account): Miyauchi#3484
Timezone or country: GMT+8
Why do you want to join?: I have recently come back to pixelmon, I can't seem to find a server where it isn't pay to win with all these crates for easy rare pokemon. I can't seem to get motivated to do anything since how easy these servers are. I saw the reddit post and it peeked my interest.
What can you bring to the server?: A fun active individual who is willing to help others and try to bring some fun.
How many hours a week can you play?: with quarantine going on about 6+ hours a day
Anything else you want to mention?: I'm pretty shy at first but once I get more comfortable apparently I get a bit crazy also watch tons of anime.
Favorite Pokèmon: Gardevoir
Thank you everyone for applying! I've sent everyone a request on Discord! Be ready for the interview!
Username: EyeballSweat[/b]
Age: 17[/b]
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): EyeballSweat#0728[/b]
Timezone or country: England[/b]
Why do you want to join?: I want a more natural pixelmon playing experience whilst also being part of a community.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: Whilst I may not be an expert builder or only mediocre with redstone, I can at least provide consistency with my retention and If I am able to help someone I'm more than happy to help with whatever it is that they need help with.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: somewhere around 8-12 hrs[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: Not much other than I hope I get chosen lol.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Porygon-Z[/b]
Username: EyeballSweat
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Discord (you must have a Discord account): EyeballSweat#0728
Timezone or country: England
Why do you want to join?: I want a more natural pixelmon playing experience whilst also being part of a community.
What can you bring to the server?: Whilst I may not be an expert builder or only mediocre with redstone, I can at least provide consistency with my retention and If I am able to help someone I'm more than happy to help with whatever it is that they need help with.
How many hours a week can you play?: somewhere around 8-12 hrs
Anything else you want to mention?: Not much other than I hope I get chosen lol.
Favorite Pokèmon: Porygon-Z
Thank you for applying! I've sent you a request on Discord for an interview
Username: oFilip
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Discord (you must have a Discord account): Filip#9254
Timezone or country: GMT+2
Why do you want to join?: I want a pleasant Pixelmon experience with no p2w ranks and boosts. I want an experience not influenced by how much money can someone fork out of wallet.I also am quite fond of a mix between minecraft survival and Pokemon together complimented by other players and friends.
What can you bring to the server?: I will be respectful to others and will be helpful if needed.
How many hours a week can you play?: At the moment I'm available to play almost everyday, I'd say I'd possibly invest 10-20 hours in game If I'll be interested, but I'm certain this is what I've been looking for.
Anything else you want to mention?: Not much, but I'm a big time fan of the Pokemon franchise, ever since as a kid basically when I played fire red. Usually keep things to myself if that counts, I'll gladly answer if you have anymore questions.
Favorite Pokèmon: Metagross
Username: oFilip
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Discord (you must have a Discord account): Filip#9254
Timezone or country: GMT+2
Why do you want to join?: I want a pleasant Pixelmon experience with no p2w ranks and boosts. I want an experience not influenced by how much money can someone fork out of wallet.I also am quite fond of a mix between minecraft survival and Pokemon together complimented by other players and friends.
What can you bring to the server?: I will be respectful to others and will be helpful if needed.
How many hours a week can you play?: At the moment I'm available to play almost everyday, I'd say I'd possibly invest 10-20 hours in game If I'll be interested, but I'm certain this is what I've been looking for.
Anything else you want to mention?: Not much, but I'm a big time fan of the Pokemon franchise, ever since as a kid basically when I played fire red. Usually keep things to myself if that counts, I'll gladly answer if you have anymore questions.
Favorite Pokèmon: Metagross
Hi there! Thank you for applying, and sorry for the late response! I've sent you a request on Discord
Username: P_uck
Gender: Male
Discord: FurgerSnerf#3100
Timezone: GMT-5
Why do you want to join?: Tired of dull public servers and want to try a vanilla, survival, pixelmon server.
What can you bring to the server?: I have good knowledge on Pokemon and Minecraft as a whole. I'm pretty good at building, and I have a lot of freetime.
How many hours a week can you play? 20+
Anything else you want to mention?: Nothing comes to mind
Favorite Pokemon: Garchomp
Username: Keysoul_707[/b]
Age: 17 [/b]
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): Magmiteh#7510[/b]
Timezone or country: (GMT-4) on Chile[/b]
Why do you want to join?: By two important points: [/b]
[b]-In the fast few weeks i've been working on pixelmon's config & related in order to make a server work as i have it planned in my head, but im really really interested in how other creative players could modify this wonderful mod to give it another perspective n gameplay.[/b]
[b]-The last few servers i've played were pretty much the same; i'm aiming to another Pixelmon experience.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: An insatiable thirst to discover and learn. Also a pretty cool teamplayer[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: 5-25[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: If you guys accept my application i would be really very very grateful[/b][/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Possibly Corphish or Garchomp[/b]
Username: P_uck
Gender: Male
Discord: FurgerSnerf#3100
Timezone: GMT-5
Why do you want to join?: Tired of dull public servers and want to try a vanilla, survival, pixelmon server.
What can you bring to the server?: I have good knowledge on Pokemon and Minecraft as a whole. I'm pretty good at building, and I have a lot of freetime.
How many hours a week can you play? 20+
Anything else you want to mention?: Nothing comes to mind
Favorite Pokemon: Garchomp
You've set your Discord settings so that I can't send you a friend request. You'll have to change your settings.
Username: Keysoul_707
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Discord (you must have a Discord account): Magmiteh#7510
Timezone or country: (GMT-4) on Chile
Why do you want to join?: By two important points: -In the fast few weeks i've been working on pixelmon's config & related in order to make a server work as i have it planned in my head, but im really really interested in how other creative players could modify this wonderful mod to give it another perspective n gameplay. -The last few servers i've played were pretty much the same; i'm aiming to another Pixelmon experience.
What can you bring to the server?: An insatiable thirst to discover and learn. Also a pretty cool teamplayer
How many hours a week can you play?: 5-25
Anything else you want to mention?: If you guys accept my application i would be really very very grateful
Favorite Pokèmon: Possibly Corphish or Garchomp
Thanks for applying! I've sent you a request on Discord!
Username: mohoechi[/b]
Age: 16[/b]
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): MochiIsMyEat#3289 ("Mochi is" not Mochils)[/b]
Timezone or country: CST (USA)[/b]
Why do you want to join?: I've been looking for pixelmon servers through two-ish months which didn't let players rely on kits and donator perks but I never had any luck. I just recently found out this server through Reddit and wanted to see what it was about. I have enjoyed Pokemon as a whole since i was a little kid and i equally love Minecraft too so I naturally like pixelmon. I also wanted to join so I could interact with people (lol) with similar interests and just have some plain ol' innocent fun.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: Honestly, I don't think I have much to offer. I think I can say that im nice and very social (online-related). I also think I can bring some laughs along and many interactions.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: I could probably play at least 2 hours a day and at most 8 hours a day. I have lots of family who I can visit now (because of this and that) so my playing time just fluctuates.[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: Nope .D.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: I like many Pokemon but one of the older ones would be Wooper.[/b]
Username: Tobacoos[/b]
Age: 20[/b]
Gender: M[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): ShySashimi(Tobacoos)#4717[/b]
Timezone or country: MDT[/b]
Why do you want to join?: I recently got back to playing Pixelmon Reforged recently and all my past servers have been reset or discontinued so I have been trying to find a server i could put all my free time into. This server being relatively vanilla is perfect for someone like me since i enjoy working for my teams.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: I've been playing Pixelmon for several years now and finished the pokedex severals times on many servers and i am willing to share my experience.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: I can play an avg of 24 hours a week this will fluctuate depending on IRL but i can guarantee 1 hours min daily[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: I've played every pokemon game except Pokemon Pearl cause i couldn't find a copy of it.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: It would have to be Giratina [/b]
Hello, I have submitted an application before but I turned down the interview because I was already playing on another server. I am interested in joining this server and would like to do an interview now. My discord is Honk Honk Honk#7236
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord Distressed Creature#6035[/b]
Timezone or country: USA, Pacific Time[/b]
Why do you want to join?: I Want to join because I'm looking for a server with a more dedicated community, and a server with no PTW stuff like crate keys, bought high iv pokes, legends, and other things that are considered PTW[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: I consider my self a good builder, and I'm also decently well-versed in all things pokemon/pixlemon so I can help those who might need it.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: 8-20 [/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: I love all the interesting features you guys have like no starters and rarer legends (makes legendary more well legendary.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Altaria (mega) [/b]
Age: 32[/b]
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): dk1701#5347[/b]
Timezone or country: US, Central[/b]
Why do you want to join?: Pixelmon looks interesting. I don't like public servers.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: A friendly attitude, a desire to be a part of a community, years of experience playing MC.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: Working from home right now, so a lot. If things go back to normal, a couple hours a night during the week, more on the weekends.[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: I'm looking for a nice, friendly, and safe community to play with. I've got an 8 year old daughter that likes to play with me, and may be sitting with me as I play.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Charmander is the only correct answer.[/b]
Thank you everyone for applying, and sorry for the long response-time! I've added you all on Discord for an interview! I also still have your application honkhonkh0nk, so no problem!
Your Discord user was invalid, so I'll just PM you my Discord so you can add me instead!
Gender: male[/b]
Timezone or country: US[/b]
Why do you want to join?: My friend and I want to play pixelmon together and we wanted to find a chill server to join and we found this on[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: I am very knowledgeable about pokemon so I can help new players with typings and moves for pokemon [/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: I can play around 4 hours a day most of the time more[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: I love pokemon and would really like to play on this server at it looks like the best one that I found[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon:scizor[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account):El mingas#6811[/b]
Timezone or country: spain [/b]
Why do you want to join?: No pay to win pixelmon server, and some chill time after work.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: THE BEST TRAINER U WILL EVER SEEN, joking xD i don´t know, another crazy dude?[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: 3- 20hours? [/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: i´m not english speaker so my english could be bad.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Cyndaquill and Quilava[/b]
1) Minecraft username? VelvetCake
2) years old
3) I'm female, so She/Her pronouns
4) Local Therapist #4612
5) EEST, and I live in Estonia, Europe
6) I've wanted to play in a survival Pixelmon server for a while, though most just make it too easy. I'm also interested in finding new friends that I actually share interests with hahah.
7) I'm usually quite a positive empathetic person, though shy. So I'll always offer help to anyone who needs it. I've got a lot of Pokemon/Pixelmon knowledge. I also give mental health or just overall emotional advice, because I've always aimed to help people, who have issues simmilar to me. (Depression and Anxiety)
8) Due to quarantine and summer vacation just around the corner, maybe a minimum of 6? I don't really have a social life though, so it might come around to way more than that.
9) If anyone ever just needs advice or even to just vent, my messages are ALWAYS open. If I lack knowledge in a department you need help with, I always end up doing at least some research in order to be of some help.
10) Thats a tough choice, though I love Ghost and Ice types. Top 5 are probably Aurorus, Pumpkaboo, Altaria, Alolan Vulpix and Empoleon.
Username: Miyauchi
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Discord (you must have a Discord account): Miyauchi#3484
Timezone or country: GMT+8
Why do you want to join?: I have recently come back to pixelmon, I can't seem to find a server where it isn't pay to win with all these crates for easy rare pokemon. I can't seem to get motivated to do anything since how easy these servers are. I saw the reddit post and it peeked my interest.
What can you bring to the server?: A fun active individual who is willing to help others and try to bring some fun.
How many hours a week can you play?: with quarantine going on about 6+ hours a day
Anything else you want to mention?: I'm pretty shy at first but once I get more comfortable apparently I get a bit crazy also watch tons of anime.
Favorite Pokèmon: Gardevoir
Thank you everyone for applying! I've sent everyone a request on Discord! Be ready for the interview!
Age: 17[/b]
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): EyeballSweat#0728[/b]
Timezone or country: England[/b]
Why do you want to join?: I want a more natural pixelmon playing experience whilst also being part of a community.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: Whilst I may not be an expert builder or only mediocre with redstone, I can at least provide consistency with my retention and If I am able to help someone I'm more than happy to help with whatever it is that they need help with.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: somewhere around 8-12 hrs[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: Not much other than I hope I get chosen lol.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Porygon-Z[/b]
Thank you for applying! I've sent you a request on Discord for an interview
Username: oFilip
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Discord (you must have a Discord account): Filip#9254
Timezone or country: GMT+2
Why do you want to join?: I want a pleasant Pixelmon experience with no p2w ranks and boosts. I want an experience not influenced by how much money can someone fork out of wallet.I also am quite fond of a mix between minecraft survival and Pokemon together complimented by other players and friends.
What can you bring to the server?: I will be respectful to others and will be helpful if needed.
How many hours a week can you play?: At the moment I'm available to play almost everyday, I'd say I'd possibly invest 10-20 hours in game If I'll be interested, but I'm certain this is what I've been looking for.
Anything else you want to mention?: Not much, but I'm a big time fan of the Pokemon franchise, ever since as a kid basically when I played fire red. Usually keep things to myself if that counts, I'll gladly answer if you have anymore questions.
Favorite Pokèmon: Metagross
Hi there! Thank you for applying, and sorry for the late response! I've sent you a request on Discord
Username: P_uck
Gender: Male
Discord: FurgerSnerf#3100
Timezone: GMT-5
Why do you want to join?: Tired of dull public servers and want to try a vanilla, survival, pixelmon server.
What can you bring to the server?: I have good knowledge on Pokemon and Minecraft as a whole. I'm pretty good at building, and I have a lot of freetime.
How many hours a week can you play? 20+
Anything else you want to mention?: Nothing comes to mind
Favorite Pokemon: Garchomp
Age: 17 [/b]
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): Magmiteh#7510[/b]
Timezone or country: (GMT-4) on Chile[/b]
Why do you want to join?: By two important points: [/b]
[b]-In the fast few weeks i've been working on pixelmon's config & related in order to make a server work as i have it planned in my head, but im really really interested in how other creative players could modify this wonderful mod to give it another perspective n gameplay.[/b]
[b]-The last few servers i've played were pretty much the same; i'm aiming to another Pixelmon experience.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: An insatiable thirst to discover and learn. Also a pretty cool teamplayer[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: 5-25[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: If you guys accept my application i would be really very very grateful[/b][/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: Possibly Corphish or Garchomp[/b]
You've set your Discord settings so that I can't send you a friend request. You'll have to change your settings.
Thanks for applying! I've sent you a request on Discord!
My bad, you should be able to send a request now.
Age: 16[/b]
Gender: Male[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): MochiIsMyEat#3289 ("Mochi is" not Mochils)[/b]
Timezone or country: CST (USA)[/b]
Why do you want to join?: I've been looking for pixelmon servers through two-ish months which didn't let players rely on kits and donator perks but I never had any luck. I just recently found out this server through Reddit and wanted to see what it was about. I have enjoyed Pokemon as a whole since i was a little kid and i equally love Minecraft too so I naturally like pixelmon. I also wanted to join so I could interact with people (lol) with similar interests and just have some plain ol' innocent fun.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: Honestly, I don't think I have much to offer. I think I can say that im nice and very social (online-related). I also think I can bring some laughs along and many interactions.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: I could probably play at least 2 hours a day and at most 8 hours a day. I have lots of family who I can visit now (because of this and that) so my playing time just fluctuates.[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: Nope .D.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: I like many Pokemon but one of the older ones would be Wooper.[/b]
Age: 20[/b]
Gender: M[/b]
Discord (you must have a Discord account): ShySashimi(Tobacoos)#4717[/b]
Timezone or country: MDT[/b]
Why do you want to join?: I recently got back to playing Pixelmon Reforged recently and all my past servers have been reset or discontinued so I have been trying to find a server i could put all my free time into. This server being relatively vanilla is perfect for someone like me since i enjoy working for my teams.[/b]
What can you bring to the server?: I've been playing Pixelmon for several years now and finished the pokedex severals times on many servers and i am willing to share my experience.[/b]
How many hours a week can you play?: I can play an avg of 24 hours a week this will fluctuate depending on IRL but i can guarantee 1 hours min daily[/b]
Anything else you want to mention?: I've played every pokemon game except Pokemon Pearl cause i couldn't find a copy of it.[/b]
Favorite Pokèmon: It would have to be Giratina [/b]