Minecraft In-game Name: FlakeCake
Location & Timezone: GMT
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 20, and yes.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): No bans to my knowledge
Any friends that play?: Its_Kelo
How did you hear about TVE?: Its_Kelo recommended it to me when I said I wanted to tryout minecraft.
Reason you should be accepted: I'm friendly, and I think that this is the right community for a player to get started on!
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Um, I've never tried it so I'm unsure? Bet it'll be great though!!
Information about yourself: I'm relaxed, friendly and always looking to experience new things
Discord name#tag: Don't have discord, I can get it if completely necessary but I'd rather not.
Questions?: Nothing
Minecraft In-game Name: merp59
Location & Timezone: Illinois, Central Standard
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: Fourteen, very.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): N/A
Any friends that play?: None.
How did you hear about TVE?: I was just browsing servers.
Reason you should be accepted: Because I'm cool? You might even get a high five.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building, I find it therapeutic.
Information about yourself: I'm in high school, but that's all I'm comfortable disclosing.
Discord name#tag: merp59#7619
Questions?: N/A
Minecraft In-game Name: FlakeCake
Location & Timezone: GMT
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 20, and yes.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): No bans to my knowledge
Any friends that play?: Its_Kelo
How did you hear about TVE?: Its_Kelo recommended it to me when I said I wanted to tryout minecraft.
Reason you should be accepted: I'm friendly, and I think that this is the right community for a player to get started on!
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Um, I've never tried it so I'm unsure? Bet it'll be great though!!
Information about yourself: I'm relaxed, friendly and always looking to experience new things
Discord name#tag: Don't have discord, I can get it if completely necessary but I'd rather not.
Questions?: Nothing
Minecraft In-game Name: merp59
Location & Timezone: Illinois, Central Standard
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: Fourteen, very.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): N/A
Any friends that play?: None.
How did you hear about TVE?: I was just browsing servers.
Reason you should be accepted: Because I'm cool? You might even get a high five.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building, I find it therapeutic.
Information about yourself: I'm in high school, but that's all I'm comfortable disclosing.
Discord name#tag: merp59#7619
Questions?: N/A
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Are you looking for a whitelisted vanilla community, with ArtMap and Simple Claiming?
Minecraft In-game Name: UWSF_dot_avi
Location & Timezone: Georgia, EST
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 19, yes
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): no
Any friends that play?: no
How did you hear about TVE?: PMC
Reason you should be accepted: Because I'd enjoy to play on an active server and this one seems pretty decent. Hope to add to it.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building a house then achievement hunting
Information about yourself: I don't like to share information about myself.
Discord name#tag: UWantSumFuk.avi#6969
Questions?: nope
Minecraft In-game Name: UWSF_dot_avi
Location & Timezone: Georgia, EST
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 19, yes
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): no
Any friends that play?: no
How did you hear about TVE?: PMC
Reason you should be accepted: Because I'd enjoy to play on an active server and this one seems pretty decent. Hope to add to it.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building a house then achievement hunting
Information about yourself: I don't like to share information about myself.
Discord name#tag: UWantSumFuk.avi#6969
Questions?: nope
Added to the whitelist! Consider joining our Discord as well (https://discord.gg/jhDnKe6) to get more involved with the community!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Are you looking for a whitelisted vanilla community, with ArtMap and Simple Claiming?
Minecraft In-game Name: Munny_
Location & Timezone: US / CT
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 21, I am very mature
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): I have none
Any friends that play?: I have no friends that play
How did you hear about TVE?: Found it on Planet Minecraft
Reason you should be accepted: I've been playing since alpha and have been on tons of servers and can really contribute to the community
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Exploring and working with others
Information about yourself: I'm about to graduate college so I'm just looking for a relaxing server to spend some of my free time on. I love to build and am very business savy so I always have the best shop in the server.
Discord name#tag: Munnst3r #7154
Questions?: When can I start?
Minecraft In-game Name: Fotloff
Location & Timezone: Norway, CEST/CET
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: I'm 16 years old. And yes, I do consider myself mature
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): None
Any friends that play?: Not currently
How did you hear about TVE?: I googled minecraft servers, and went on planetminecraft.
Reason you should be accepted: I want to play Minecraft again after a really long time. And I want to do it on a server I think I'll enjoy
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Mostly just the regular survival stuff. Building, crafting, mining etc.
Information about yourself: Nothing in particular. I have a dog, I guess.
Discord name#tag: Footloaf#9468
Questions?: Nope
Minecraft In-game Name: CicadaSound
Location & Timezone: NY, EST
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 19. Yes.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): Yes, when i was younger i used hacks sometimes. I mainly went on new servers.
Any friends that play?: No
How did you hear about TVE?: Minecraft-server-list.com
Reason you should be accepted: I'm a valuable minecraft player.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Farming, enchanting, making potions and completing tasks.
Information about yourself: I have 3 tattoos, i love sci/fi and fantasy books
Discord name#tag: Arma Lucis
Questions?: None
Minecraft In-game Name: empirevive
Location & Timezone: Pittsburgh, PA, Eastern Standard Timezone (W+5)
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 25, naive as boyfriend:)
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): never
Any friends that play?: yes
How did you hear about TVE?: looking for Dov and Smolly
Reason you should be accepted: why I should not
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: just vanilla stuff
Information about yourself: nothing special.
Discord name#tag: forgot my discord name. Maybe is empirevive
Questions?: nope
Minecraft In-game Name: Princeofthe_Dark
Location & Timezone: USA & EST
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 15 and yes
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): N/A
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: No
How did you hear about TVE?: Drops!!
Reasons you should be accepted: Because,,I lov Drops,,
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building and mining!
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I love anything horror related and,,building houses in minecraft is super calming to me,,idk I'm a boring person
Have you read the <a href="http://tve.buycraft.net">rules</a> and agree to follow them? Yes
Discord name#tag: Farzen Murphy#0068
Questions?: N/A
Minecraft In-game Name: CicadaSound
Location & Timezone: NY, EST
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 19. Yes.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): Yes, when i was younger i used hacks sometimes. I mainly went on new servers.
Any friends that play?: No
How did you hear about TVE?: Minecraft-server-list.com
Reason you should be accepted: I'm a valuable minecraft player.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Farming, enchanting, making potions and completing tasks.
Information about yourself: I have 3 tattoos, i love sci/fi and fantasy books
Discord name#tag: Arma Lucis
Questions?: None
Minecraft In-game Name: Fotloff
Location & Timezone: Norway, CEST/CET
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: I'm 16 years old. And yes, I do consider myself mature
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): None
Any friends that play?: Not currently
How did you hear about TVE?: I googled minecraft servers, and went on planetminecraft.
Reason you should be accepted: I want to play Minecraft again after a really long time. And I want to do it on a server I think I'll enjoy
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Mostly just the regular survival stuff. Building, crafting, mining etc.
Information about yourself: Nothing in particular. I have a dog, I guess.
Discord name#tag: Footloaf#9468
Questions?: Nope
Minecraft In-game Name: empirevive
Location & Timezone: Pittsburgh, PA, Eastern Standard Timezone (W+5)
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 25, naive as boyfriend:)
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): never
Any friends that play?: yes
How did you hear about TVE?: looking for Dov and Smolly
Reason you should be accepted: why I should not
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: just vanilla stuff
Information about yourself: nothing special.
Discord name#tag: forgot my discord name. Maybe is empirevive
Questions?: nope
Minecraft In-game Name: Princeofthe_Dark
Location & Timezone: USA & EST
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 15 and yes
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): N/A
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: No
How did you hear about TVE?: Drops!!
Reasons you should be accepted: Because,,I lov Drops,,
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building and mining!
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I love anything horror related and,,building houses in minecraft is super calming to me,,idk I'm a boring person
Have you read the http://tve.buycraft.net">rules and agree to follow them? Yes
Discord name#tag: Farzen Murphy#0068
Questions?: N/A
Minecraft In-game Name: Munny_
Location & Timezone: US / CT
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 21, I am very mature
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): I have none
Any friends that play?: I have no friends that play
How did you hear about TVE?: Found it on Planet Minecraft
Reason you should be accepted: I've been playing since alpha and have been on tons of servers and can really contribute to the community
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Exploring and working with others
Information about yourself: I'm about to graduate college so I'm just looking for a relaxing server to spend some of my free time on. I love to build and am very business savy so I always have the best shop in the server.
Discord name#tag: Munnst3r #7154
Questions?: When can I start?
All added to the whitelist!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Are you looking for a whitelisted vanilla community, with ArtMap and Simple Claiming?
Minecraft In-game Name: SilentDefiance
Location & Timezone: Tennessee (GMT-4)
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 21, for the most part? While still having fun.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): None, joined PC today. Extremely confused. H e l p
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: Nope
How did you hear about TVE?: Just checking the forums
Reasons you should be accepted: Back on ps3 i was a somewhat "pro" builder. Wont cause problems just here for a good time. You were the first server to catch my attention so here i am.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: building an awesome home.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: irl name is Kayden, 21, neet, weeb, wth does outside look like again?
Have you read the <a href="http://tve.buycraft.net">rules</a> and agree to follow them? Read the rules twice actually through that link and the discord server- and yes i agree.
Discord name#tag: CtrlAltDeathd#7209
Minecraft In-game Name: SilentDefiance
Location & Timezone: Tennessee (GMT-4)
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 21, for the most part? While still having fun.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): None, joined PC today. Extremely confused. H e l p
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: Nope
How did you hear about TVE?: Just checking the forums
Reasons you should be accepted: Back on ps3 i was a somewhat "pro" builder. Wont cause problems just here for a good time. You were the first server to catch my attention so here i am.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: building an awesome home.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: irl name is Kayden, 21, neet, weeb, wth does outside look like again?
Have you read the <a href="http://tve.buycraft.net">rules</a> and agree to follow them? Read the rules twice actually through that link and the discord server- and yes i agree.
Discord name#tag: CtrlAltDeathd#7209
Whitelisted and thanks
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Are you looking for a whitelisted vanilla community, with ArtMap and Simple Claiming?
Minecraft In-game Name: PowWeRzZ
Location & Timezone: Belgium +1
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 22 i am
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): nope
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: yes 1 of them plays
How did you hear about TVE?: from my brother
Reasons you should be accepted:just having fun on the server
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: building
Tell us a little bit about yourself: man 22 years old living in belgium
Have you read the <a href="http://tve.buycraft.net">rules</a> and agree to follow them? i agree
Discord name#tag: ImmortalAshes#4512
Questions?: nope
Minecraft In-game Name: ApollyonMedia Location & Timezone: USA, Eastern Standard (EST) How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 15,yes Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): N/A Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: CannedDrops is a good friend of mine! How did you hear about TVE?: Through CannedDrops. I've been looking for a new server since I grew frustrated with Skyblock and they gave me the recommendation! Reasons you should be accepted: I don't cause trouble at all nor do I really seek to. I just need a safe space to play and interact with a healthy community after previous complications. What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building and small scale redstone (Ex.small farms) Tell us a little bit about yourself: I go by Apollo using they/them pronouns! Im on the shy side and tend to keep to myself. I've been in the commuity for years now,but only recently started playing. Im a film major in highschool and dabble in traditional art when I can. I try to be as friendly and understanding as I can to most people. Have you read the <a href="http://tve.buycraft.net">rules</a> and agree to follow them?: Yes and Yes Discord name#tag: Object.Class.Apollyon#4283 Questions?: N/A
Minecraft In-game Name: trentonox
Location & Timezone: Aberdeen, Scotland GMT
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 19, and I would say so yes
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): N/A
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: It_Kelo (https://www.minecraftforum.net/members/Its_Kelo)
How did you hear about TVE?: Kelo
Reasons you should be accepted: I am a moderator of a twitch channel and admin of the streamers discord. (twitch.tv/joeverse)
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: I really enjoy building humble homes and building large impressive structures with friends.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I ama 2nd year student studying Digital Media. I enjoy designing graphics and playing FPS's in my free time, and using minecraft as a chill, wind down game.
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? Yes and I agree
Discord name#tag: Octodog.#0001
Questions?: None
Minecraft In-game Name: Tanner4137
Location & Timezone: USA, CST
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 22, yes
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): None
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: My friend and I haven't played this game in years but we're considering playing again
How did you hear about TVE?: Browsing the forums
Reasons you should be accepted: I'm pretty easy going and just looking to have a fun time farming and being friendly to people
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building large structures, farming, grinding.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I'm 22 years old and am about to graduate from college. Just looking for something to play while I pass the time.
Have you read the <a href="http://tve.buycraft.net">rules</a> and agree to follow them?
Discord name#tag: Ploxxer#2639
Questions?: None at the moment
Minecraft In-game Name: Bachyard
Location & Timezone: Japan, TOKYO
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: I'm 23, and yeah.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): No previous bans.
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: No friends hahah.
How did you hear about TVE?: This forum!
Reasons you should be accepted: I'm just lookin to hang out with people and play minecraft.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Living My Life
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I was born in South Africa.
Have you read the <a href="http://tve.buycraft.net">rules</a> and agree to follow them? Yup, and yup!
Discord name#tag: bachyard#5993
Minecraft In-game Name: FlakeCake
Location & Timezone: GMT
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 20, and yes.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): No bans to my knowledge
Any friends that play?: Its_Kelo
How did you hear about TVE?: Its_Kelo recommended it to me when I said I wanted to tryout minecraft.
Reason you should be accepted: I'm friendly, and I think that this is the right community for a player to get started on!
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Um, I've never tried it so I'm unsure? Bet it'll be great though!!
Information about yourself: I'm relaxed, friendly and always looking to experience new things
Discord name#tag: Don't have discord, I can get it if completely necessary but I'd rather not.
Questions?: Nothing
Minecraft In-game Name: merp59
Location & Timezone: Illinois, Central Standard
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: Fourteen, very.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): N/A
Any friends that play?: None.
How did you hear about TVE?: I was just browsing servers.
Reason you should be accepted: Because I'm cool? You might even get a high five.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building, I find it therapeutic.
Information about yourself: I'm in high school, but that's all I'm comfortable disclosing.
Discord name#tag: merp59#7619
Questions?: N/A
Minecraft In-game Name: UWSF_dot_avi
Location & Timezone: Georgia, EST
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 19, yes
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): no
Any friends that play?: no
How did you hear about TVE?: PMC
Reason you should be accepted: Because I'd enjoy to play on an active server and this one seems pretty decent. Hope to add to it.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building a house then achievement hunting
Information about yourself: I don't like to share information about myself.
Discord name#tag: UWantSumFuk.avi#6969
Questions?: nope
Added to the whitelist! Consider joining our Discord as well (https://discord.gg/jhDnKe6) to get more involved with the community!
Minecraft In-game Name: Munny_

Location & Timezone: US / CT
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 21, I am very mature
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): I have none
Any friends that play?: I have no friends that play
How did you hear about TVE?: Found it on Planet Minecraft
Reason you should be accepted: I've been playing since alpha and have been on tons of servers and can really contribute to the community
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Exploring and working with others
Information about yourself: I'm about to graduate college so I'm just looking for a relaxing server to spend some of my free time on. I love to build and am very business savy so I always have the best shop in the server.
Discord name#tag: Munnst3r #7154
Questions?: When can I start?
Minecraft In-game Name: Fotloff
Location & Timezone: Norway, CEST/CET
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: I'm 16 years old. And yes, I do consider myself mature
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): None
Any friends that play?: Not currently
How did you hear about TVE?: I googled minecraft servers, and went on planetminecraft.
Reason you should be accepted: I want to play Minecraft again after a really long time. And I want to do it on a server I think I'll enjoy
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Mostly just the regular survival stuff. Building, crafting, mining etc.
Information about yourself: Nothing in particular. I have a dog, I guess.
Discord name#tag: Footloaf#9468
Questions?: Nope
Minecraft In-game Name: CicadaSound
Location & Timezone: NY, EST
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 19. Yes.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): Yes, when i was younger i used hacks sometimes. I mainly went on new servers.
Any friends that play?: No
How did you hear about TVE?: Minecraft-server-list.com
Reason you should be accepted: I'm a valuable minecraft player.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Farming, enchanting, making potions and completing tasks.
Information about yourself: I have 3 tattoos, i love sci/fi and fantasy books
Discord name#tag: Arma Lucis
Questions?: None
Minecraft In-game Name: empirevive
Location & Timezone: Pittsburgh, PA, Eastern Standard Timezone (W+5)
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 25, naive as boyfriend:)
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): never
Any friends that play?: yes
How did you hear about TVE?: looking for Dov and Smolly
Reason you should be accepted: why I should not
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: just vanilla stuff
Information about yourself: nothing special.
Discord name#tag: forgot my discord name. Maybe is empirevive
Questions?: nope
All added to the whitelist!
Whitelisted and thanks
Minecraft In-game Name: ApollyonMedia
Location & Timezone: USA, Eastern Standard (EST)
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 15,yes
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): N/A
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: CannedDrops is a good friend of mine!
How did you hear about TVE?: Through CannedDrops. I've been looking for a new server since I grew frustrated with Skyblock and they gave me the recommendation!
Reasons you should be accepted: I don't cause trouble at all nor do I really seek to. I just need a safe space to play and interact with a healthy community after previous complications.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: Building and small scale redstone (Ex.small farms)
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I go by Apollo using they/them pronouns! Im on the shy side and tend to keep to myself. I've been in the commuity for years now,but only recently started playing. Im a film major in highschool and dabble in traditional art when I can. I try to be as friendly and understanding as I can to most people.
Have you read the <a href="http://tve.buycraft.net">rules</a> and agree to follow them?: Yes and Yes
Discord name#tag: Object.Class.Apollyon#4283
Questions?: N/A
Minecraft In-game Name: trentonox
Location & Timezone: Aberdeen, Scotland GMT
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 19, and I would say so yes
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): N/A
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: It_Kelo (https://www.minecraftforum.net/members/Its_Kelo)
How did you hear about TVE?: Kelo
Reasons you should be accepted: I am a moderator of a twitch channel and admin of the streamers discord. (twitch.tv/joeverse)
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: I really enjoy building humble homes and building large impressive structures with friends.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I ama 2nd year student studying Digital Media. I enjoy designing graphics and playing FPS's in my free time, and using minecraft as a chill, wind down game.
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? Yes and I agree
Discord name#tag: Octodog.#0001
Questions?: None