1. [/i]How old are you? 16
2. [/i]What is your Skype? (yes its required, you do not have to have a mic[/i]
but you must be able to join group chat.) Purplic HIHI (I prefer discord) CrystalineBeauty#0276[/i]
3. [/i]Whats your in game name? Purplic
4. [/i]Why do you want to join Cryptic SMP? I am looking for a fun community where we can make community projects and build a great world together![/i]
5. [/i]Why should you be accepted? I am very creative, I'm a great Minecraft builder, redstoner, and I am very social. I love to coordinate group projects and I like to get everyone involved.[/i]
6. [/i]YouTube? And will you be uploading gameplay of you playing on the server? Yes. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5066L3br8mYwT2973Stitw?
(if you have a YouTube, if not answer "I don't have a YouTube channel.")[/i]
7. [/i]How often do you plan to play on the server? Every other day.
8. [/i]Tell us a little about yourself. I live on a horse farm, I love school, I am very involved, I am suuuuper creative and I like to make all of my Minecraft builds perfect, with tons of detail. Thanks for considering me!
Congratulations, purplic, have been accepted, check your Skype for more information, I'm sorry Tonnie as we felt your application was lacking, good luck on finding another SMP server to play on!
2. [/i]What is your Skype? (yes its required, you do not have to have a mic[/i]
but you must be able to join group chat.) Purplic HIHI (I prefer discord) CrystalineBeauty#0276[/i]
3. [/i]Whats your in game name? Purplic
4. [/i]Why do you want to join Cryptic SMP? I am looking for a fun community where we can make community projects and build a great world together![/i]
5. [/i]Why should you be accepted? I am very creative, I'm a great Minecraft builder, redstoner, and I am very social. I love to coordinate group projects and I like to get everyone involved.[/i]
6. [/i]YouTube? And will you be uploading gameplay of you playing on the server? Yes. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5066L3br8mYwT2973Stitw?
(if you have a YouTube, if not answer "I don't have a YouTube channel.")[/i]
7. [/i]How often do you plan to play on the server? Every other day.
8. [/i]Tell us a little about yourself. I live on a horse farm, I love school, I am very involved, I am suuuuper creative and I like to make all of my Minecraft builds perfect, with tons of detail. Thanks for considering me!
Congratulations, purplic, have been accepted, check your Skype for more information, I'm sorry Tonnie as we felt your application was lacking, good luck on finding another SMP server to play on!