IGN (In-game name):Shadowstriker74[/b]
Discord username:Shadowstriker74#0755[/b]
What to call you:Shadow[/b]
Preferred gender:I'm Sorry I Don't Know What You Mean By[/b]
This But I'm heterosexual Male
Favorite thing to do in MC?:Buildin And Moddiing[/b]
Why choose this server?:Juding By The Description Written Out And The Rules It Seems Like The Kind Of Server I Could Join I Mean It Looks Like You Guys Have A Sense Of Humour And I Like That[/b]
Have you been on other servers like this?:Sadly I Have Not But I Plan On his Being My First[/b]
Ever been removed/banned from a server?:Not To My Knowledge(IfI Have It Would Be On A Server I Longer Play)[/b]
How often will you play?:Most Likely A Few Days A Week A Couple Hours A Day[/b]
Can you donate to server upkeep?:Sadly No[/b]
Anything else we should know?:Not To My Knowledge[/b]
sorry about the "[/b]"s I don't know why they're there I just copyed the form and pasted
Ahh, so it is more just to get to know more about the person... I don't know I'm not very good at applications. I would apply but, I don't know when I can and couldn't work on the server since I have school (First time at a public school, and first time at high school) and I'm not quite sure when I'll get loaded with work to do, but will keep in mind.
Sincerely puppy226 Tue the 22 of August at 4:35:00 AM GMT
Welcome to MinePeace
Avalon - Lake of Eternal Youth was built nicely! Thanks for the help DJ ^.^
- IGN: DM-Lightning
- Discord username: tieuthieugia20#8950
- What to call me: Duck
- Age: 19
- Preferred gender: male
- Favorite thing to do in MC: I love playing survival by building lots of farms in order to survive such as iron farm, gold farm, slime farm, mob farm, ender farm. And also I love going adventure.
- Why choose this server: I choose this server because I just like the name of the server and after I read the information of this server.
- Have I been on other servers like this: No. I have played MC for 2 years alone and I just follow the Hermitcraft server, so I want to play with other players.
- Ever been removed/banned from a server: Never.
- How often will I play: I'm freshman in college so I think I will play 4 to 5 hours a day.
- Can I donate to server upkeep: I cannot.
- Anything else you should know: I just follow Mumbo Jumbo youtube channel, so I really love to survive like that on this server.
Thanks for the consideration, Duck, and shout out to that redstone magician, Mumbo. Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to decline you. I wish you the best of luck in your server hunt, man.
alright, thanks.
IGN (In-game name): ChocolateRaiyn[/b]
Discord username: ChocolateRaiyn#5256[/b]
What to call you: Ryan[/b]
Age: 18[/b]
Preferred gender: Male[/b]
Favorite thing to do in MC?: Buildint with redstone/ collaborating with other players[/b]
Why choose this server?: This server seemed like the kind of server that I would want to join. Just looking for a nice community server that I can join that's a good fit for me[/b]
Have you been on other servers like this?: Yes, but the others are modded[/b]
Ever been removed/banned from a server?: Never[/b]
How often will you play?: I play almost every day, with exception of days I have class for Uni[/b]
Can you donate to server upkeep?: Eventually, yes. [/b]
Anything else we should know?: I'm pretty cool [/b]
Hey, Ryan. Sorry for the lateness of the hour, today's been rather hectic. I'll contact you on Discord in a bit.
IGN (In-game name): Oubaste
Discord username: #7488 Oubaste
What to call you: Bast
Age: 18
Preferred gender: Female
Favorite thing to do in MC?: Build, like everyone else. Also talking to other people in game and the community-oriented part of it
Why choose this server?: It's small. I don't like too many plugins on a server but these specific ones I have experience with in the past and I liked them![:) :)](https://media.minecraftforum.net/avatars/0/14/635356669596273706.png)
Have you been on other servers like this?: Yup, I've been on a bunch of servers that seem similar to this, but that was years ago so I can't remember the exact names
Ever been removed/banned from a server?: Nope!
How often will you play?: Pretty often, whenever I have the free time (Which is a lot, haha)
Can you donate to server upkeep?: As of right now, I cannot, sorry. Perhaps in the near future
Anything else we should know?: I like to talk to other people, this server seems nice, I hope you can accept me and if so I can't wait to play![:) :)](https://media.minecraftforum.net/avatars/0/14/635356669596273706.png)
IGN (In-game name): RazorCazik
Discord username: RazorCazik
What to call you: Kobe
Age: 18
Preferred gender: Male
Favorite thing to do in MC?: I like the building portion of minecraft the best. I like to express my creativity through my builds.
Why choose this server?: My friends Jake and Michael play on here so I thought I would join in on the fun!
Have you been on other servers like this?: Yes I have played on several SMP's before. I usually like to find a good one and then stick with that one for as long as possible
Ever been removed/banned from a server?: No I have not
How often will you play?: I will play a lot with Michael and Jake
Can you donate to server upkeep?: Not sure, would probably depend on how dedicated I am after getting used to the server.
Anything else we should know?: Im friends with Michael and Jake and they are always playing on this server when i'm in calls with them so I felt the need to apply and join in on the fun. I just like to play survival and have fun with friends and from what they say this is a nice server with a good community.
I'm sure Mike and Jake will be happy to see another familiar face. I'll contact you on Discord shortly.
Sup Bast, I've contacted you on discord. Hope to see you soon!
I may have accidentally deleted it.. Could you re-send it please? ^^'
IGN (In-game name): tightrope3
Discord username: tightrope3 (#0988)
What to call you: Joey
Age: 23
Preferred gender: Male
Favorite thing to do in MC?: Build structures, buildings, and villages
Why choose this server?: I want to meet people who can get along, be mature, and have common interests
Have you been on other servers like this?: I have not
Ever been removed/banned from a server?: I haven't
How often will you play?: I play a bit. When and for how long fluctuates, due to work.
Can you donate to server upkeep?: Most likely
Anything else we should know?: I am really laid back. If you need to get in touch with me and discord isn't working, my Skype is pooldude23
EDIT: I am more than happy to donate if needed. That and if anymore information is needed, I'm happy to do what I can
IGN (In-game name): katfrostfur[/b]
Discord username: katfrostfur[/b]
What to call you: kat or katfrostfur[/b]
Age: 25[/b]
Preferred gender: female[/b]
[b] [/b]
Favorite thing to do in MC?: build[/b]
Why choose this server?: it's a smp[/b]
Have you been on other servers like this?: 1[/b]
Ever been removed/banned from a server?: nope[/b]
How often will you play?: when i'm off from work, couple hours a week maybe[/b]
Can you donate to server upkeep?: probably not, my money is for car bills and groceries[/b]
Anything else we should know?: i like cats[/b]
IGN (In-game name): Wowzerine
Discord username: Wowzerine
What to call you: Call me Logan
Age: 16
Preferred gender: I am a Male
Favorite thing to do in MC?: I love too explore, build, survive and my absolute favorite is too meet new people.
Why choose this server?: The community seems to fit my personality and I think this is a good server for me too join and get apart of.
Have you been on other servers like this?: Not quite like this server, but I have joined other servers. I have left them since due to my own disliking of them.
Ever been removed/banned from a server?: I haven't been banned from any server. I plan on keeping it that way.
How often will you play?: I play with every spare minute I have in my day. I am a very busy person, so I honestly only get about 2-4 hours at most a day.
Can you donate to server upkeep?: Donations are a great way of keeping a server up and I could possibly donate if the server treats me well. If I get treated well, I treat the server well.
Anything else we should know?: I currently a Junior at my town's local high school. I am a sports fanatic, so I play football and baseball. I work at a hardware store on weekends. I love too joke around and have some fun, but also know when enough is enough.
Your friendly crafter,
- Wowzerine
I have added you on Discord. My user up there is ChesiMedici and hope to get in touch soon!