Will you be active? : Yes, 100% I've been jumping from server to server for a while now and I'm previously known for playing for extended amounts of time on other multiplayer servers which aren't white-listed, and I'm looking for a great place to stay active and call my home and this server seems like the one!
Plans? Make good friends and familiarise myself with all the other players while building a base with farms and specific sections performing each role! Then collab in builds with other players and such as well as take part in some pranking (if thats allowed)
Accepted, but discord does not work.
Will you be active? :
Yes, minimum 1 hour a day. (I love mc)
Do you agree with rules?
Yes they seem alright. Just wondering, is this like foolcraft where pranks are allowed? (nothing too extreme of course)
Build lots of redstone creations and hopefully expand my redstone knowledge.
Youtube? not required : N/A
Twitch? not required : N/A
How long have you played the game? :
Since 1.5 I think (I remember having to type in '1.5' a lot when I was installing mods)
Age? 13
Discord (name and #) : ThatCurlyFry#0439
Try it now, I had my name spelled wrong. It should be Corrected!
Will you be active? : Yea planning most days, most weekends
Do you agree with rules? : Yea
Plans? : Build and have fun
Youtube? not required : no
Twitch? not required : no
How long have you played the game? : since it came out
Age - 17
Discord (name and #) : Hughesy
request sent
Still accepting people!
Will you be active? : Yes
Do you agree with rules?
I really like making exp farms
Youtube? not required :
Twitch? not required :
How long have you played the game? :
6+ years at least
Discord (name and #) : MacDaddy916 #3055
shrek the shark.
Will you be active? : Yes, of course. That is what makes it fun
Do you agree with rules? Yes
Plans? Start out with a fish farm, I usually make an iron farm but it sounds like I won't need one so I'll have to think of something fun
Youtube? not required : none
Twitch? not required :none
How long have you played the game? : since beta
Age? 28
Discord (name and #) : kdj588 #5161
Will you be active? : Yes
Do you agree with rules? Yes, I accept the rules.
Plans? build as many redstone farms as i can
Youtube? not required :
Twitch? not required :
How long have you played the game? : since 2011
Age? 15
Discord (name and #) : victot21#3857
Forget what I said about the youtube stuff, feel free to still apply!
Will you be active? :
Do you agree with rules?
Course, Buddy.
Create an all powerful empire which enforces minecraft law.
Youtube? not required :
Twitch? not required :
How long have you played the game? :
Since 1.3 about. Or 3-4 years.
Discord (name and #) :
Jerry Bonelicker
Accepting 4 more people.
Will you be active? : yes 2-3 hours a day
Do you agree with rules? yes
Plans? Try and better my building skills
Youtube? not required :5Ever Gaming
Twitch? not required :
How long have you played the game? : 4 years
Age? 13
Discord (name and #) : 5EverGaming #1809
iHackAndroid is not to be trusted, he hops servers and is very rude and disrespectful, please avoid that player. I am saving your community!
APPLICATION : PLEASE NOTE: My name on here is old! My Minecraft name is Terminator_T850.
Will you be active? : At least 1 hour a day.
Do you agree with rules? Yes.
Plans? To have fun and make new friends.
Youtube? not required : I do, but I don't use it.
Twitch? not required : androidmodder99 (username is old, and does not reflect minecraft username).
How long have you played the game? : Since November 2014.
Age? 17 years old (legit age, no bullsh*t).
Discord (name and #) : Terminator_T850#9656
Will you be active? : Yes
Do you agree with rules? Yes
Plans?: To become a better builder and to have fun
Youtube? not required : https://www.youtube.com/user/StrykerLyker
Twitch? not required : N/A
How long have you played the game? : 8-9 years
Age? 18
Discord (name and #) : Vic #2694