Age:12 (I know im young, but Im mature Ive been in servers like this)
IGN: Gamer1Pro_YT
Skype: warmerisekiller1.roblox (I dont use it much, and I wont talk with it until I get new headphones, I use a laptop so sound from speaker goes back into mic its annoying af)
Applications (Copy + Paste)
Years Of Minecraft:
Name: Josh
Hobbies:playing games
Years Of Minecraft: 5 1/2
Hey! You have been added to whitelist and I have added you on skype.
Name: Zach
Age: 17
IGN: xMalthael
Skype: Private, but I can add you.
Hobbies: Reading, building medieval castles
Years Of Minecraft: 5
Age:12 (I know im young, but Im mature Ive been in servers like this)
IGN: Gamer1Pro_YT
Skype: warmerisekiller1.roblox (I dont use it much, and I wont talk with it until I get new headphones, I use a laptop so sound from speaker goes back into mic its annoying af)
Hobbies: Gaming, Minecraft, ROBLOX
Years Of Minecraft: 1 or 2
Name: Dracknorin (Just what everyone knows me as online, don't panic.)
Age: 21
IGN: Dracknorin
Skype: Dracknorin (Mic is currently broken, so don't expect voice chat for a while.)
Hobbies: Video games, drawing, camping, tabletop RPG, drawing . . .
Years Of Minecraft: Like . . . six?
Name: Seven
Age: 20
IGN: King_Magni
Skype: Pongw16
Hobbies: Rowing, school, work
Years Of Minecraft: since beta
Awesome! been looking for one of these servers to pop up.
Name: Josh
Age: 19
IGN: VapeLifeYo
Skype: rideraft2
Hobbies: skateboarding, gaming, working.
Years of mine craft: 6
Name: Jade
Age: 22
IGN: MysticHunk
Skype: Jadicous
Hobbies: Games, reading, crafty projects.
Years Of Minecraft: 7-8ish, I forget exactly when.
Whitelisted and added on skype.
You have been whitelisted and my skype is austin.nitsua98
Skype added and whitelisted.
Added on Skype and Whitelisted. Happy to have you!
Welcome! Whitelisted and added.
Added on skype and whitelist. Nice to have you.
Hauss was I accepted? Or nah?
Unfortunately No. You are under the age of people we are accepting. Sorry but there are many other server accepting kids.
You have been accepted and Whitelisted. We now use Discord. (I will PM you discord link)