What you want out of this realm: I just really like amplified worlds with mature players.[/b]
what you plan to do/build: I mainly specialize in bridges, highways, and staircases. I'm also good with building farms and unique looking tree houses.[/b]
What you want out of this realm: I just really like amplified worlds with mature players.
what you plan to do/build: I mainly specialize in bridges, highways, and staircases. I'm also good with building farms and unique looking tree houses.
What you want out of this realm: Looking for mature people to play with. Was griefed on my last realm, diamonds and ore all stolen.
what you plan to do/build: I like to exploring and spelunking in caves and caverns. Also like to have a simple, homebase that fits into the surrounding area and compliments it.
What you want out of this realm: amplified worlds pose a new challenge and id rather play with mature players.
what you plan to do/build: Decent redstone work especially storage systems and farms. Also strong with team builds and terraforming
What you want out of this realm: Looking for mature people to play with. Was griefed on my last realm, diamonds and ore all stolen.
what you plan to do/build: I like to exploring and spelunking in caves and caverns. Also like to have a simple, homebase that fits into the surrounding area and compliments it.
What you want out of this realm: amplified worlds pose a new challenge and id rather play with mature players.
what you plan to do/build: Decent redstone work especially storage systems and farms. Also strong with team builds and terraforming
Welcome to our realm admiralnelson24, your invite will be sent shortly
Played Minecraft back when it was beta and when private servers started to get really popular.
Stopped for about 3~4 years? maybe?
And wanted to come back to Minecraft for some minecraft and chill.
Your in game name: [/b]imTetsuu
Your age: [/b]22
What you want out of this realm: [/b]Relaxing time with a mature <- main reason why i clicked your post! ) community, to play and to have fun.
what you plan to do/build: Start off by building a small hut for meself in some remote location that's annoying to get to cos I like the idea of the country side. Then once in awhile, go into town to shop and sell cobblestone.
Played Minecraft back when it was beta and when private servers started to get really popular.
Stopped for about 3~4 years? maybe?
And wanted to come back to Minecraft for some minecraft and chill.
Your in game name: imTetsuu
Your age: 22
What you want out of this realm: Relaxing time with a mature <- main reason why i clicked your post! ) community, to play and to have fun.
what you plan to do/build: Start off by building a small hut for meself in some remote location that's annoying to get to cos I like the idea of the country side. Then once in awhile, go into town to shop and sell cobblestone.
Realize this contributes close to nothing. Since i'm on the other side of earth, I could help you guys with menial tasks, eg, if you built something in dirt, i could help change it into cobblestone or anything else you guys might want if i spot a sign or something (eg leave a chest nearby with materials i may not have). I'm also good with redstone engineering and helping out with expanding the city / paving roads etc.
Realize this contributes close to nothing. Since i'm on the other side of earth, I could help you guys with menial tasks, eg, if you built something in dirt, i could help change it into cobblestone or anything else you guys might want if i spot a sign or something (eg leave a chest nearby with materials i may not have). I'm also good with redstone engineering and helping out with expanding the city / paving roads etc.
Welcome imTetsuu! We are glad you could join us, your invite will be sent shortly
Hope to see you online soon
Hello! My name is Frankie! My ign: WhatzeFrigg, Age: 23[/b]
What I would like out of this realm is just a secure place to build cities/villages in survival! I love to check around and see other players progress and creations. Im usually a very independent worker and build on my own. I love the idea of sharing a world with other people and perhaps making roads and connections with other player's cities/towns/whatever and making a travel-able world out of it![/b]
I plan to build villages/towns/cities for everyone to visit at will! I'm a peaceful builder and collector of materials. Always happy and willing to trade materials/help with projects, but for the most part I am an independent builder! I usually build up until I believe the location is complete and then move on to another spot.[/b]
[b]Would very much love to be considered! Thanks very much![/b]
Hello! My name is Frankie! My ign: WhatzeFrigg, Age: 23
What I would like out of this realm is just a secure place to build cities/villages in survival! I love to check around and see other players progress and creations. Im usually a very independent worker and build on my own. I love the idea of sharing a world with other people and perhaps making roads and connections with other player's cities/towns/whatever and making a travel-able world out of it!
I plan to build villages/towns/cities for everyone to visit at will! I'm a peaceful builder and collector of materials. Always happy and willing to trade materials/help with projects, but for the most part I am an independent builder! I usually build up until I believe the location is complete and then move on to another spot.
Would very much love to be considered! Thanks very much!
That sounds great WhatzeFrigg! I will send your invite soon
Hello Pishachio, I'd like to join your amazing realm server so here is my application:
Your in game name: [/b]ImAury
Your age: [/b]16 years of age
What you want out of this realm: [/b]I want this Realm server to become a relaxation server. I'm currently staff on a very stressful minecraft server and I'm facing some pretty intense life issues that I'd rather not get into. I'd like to join this server to just have a good time, build some, meet some new people, and to relax from everything that's happening in my life. I can assure you that I'm mature and I know how to properly handle issues. I don't pick fights but I do tend to defend myself when I'm feeling like I'm being harassed, hopefully on this Realm server I won't see any of that because that is mainly what I'm trying to avoid.
what you plan to do/build: [/b]I plan on building my own little house to live in and hopefully expanding it to a village if possible. I'd like to explore and use the nice resources that are available for me. As I stated before, I'm also looking to meet hopefully some new friends and get along with others well. I'm hoping to be accepted onto your realm server and spending some time building nice things for you server. Thank you for considering me, it means a lot.
Hello Pishachio, I'd like to join your amazing realm server so here is my application:
Your in game name: ImAury
Your age: 16 years of age
What you want out of this realm: I want this Realm server to become a relaxation server. I'm currently staff on a very stressful minecraft server and I'm facing some pretty intense life issues that I'd rather not get into. I'd like to join this server to just have a good time, build some, meet some new people, and to relax from everything that's happening in my life. I can assure you that I'm mature and I know how to properly handle issues. I don't pick fights but I do tend to defend myself when I'm feeling like I'm being harassed, hopefully on this Realm server I won't see any of that because that is mainly what I'm trying to avoid.
what you plan to do/build: I plan on building my own little house to live in and hopefully expanding it to a village if possible. I'd like to explore and use the nice resources that are available for me. As I stated before, I'm also looking to meet hopefully some new friends and get along with others well. I'm hoping to be accepted onto your realm server and spending some time building nice things for you server. Thank you for considering me, it means a lot.
Welcome ImAury I am very glad you are looking for a stress free realm, I try my hardest to make this as fun as possible by eliminating immature players as quickly as possible I hope you enjoy yourself here
Great! Thanks for the invite!
Hello Mr_Pistachios,
My IGN is Gamerzombie12
I am 16 years old
I am looking for something better to do in Minecraft
The thing I want to build is a dope house and some crazy additions to it outside
Your in game name: Byzantyan[/b]
Your age: 31[/b]
What you want out of this realm: I just really like amplified worlds with mature players.[/b]
what you plan to do/build: I mainly specialize in bridges, highways, and staircases. I'm also good with building farms and unique looking tree houses.[/b]
Welcome Byzantyan
Your in game name: CaptainSmirks
Your age: 44
What you want out of this realm: Looking for mature people to play with. Was griefed on my last realm, diamonds and ore all stolen.
what you plan to do/build: I like to exploring and spelunking in caves and caverns. Also like to have a simple, homebase that fits into the surrounding area and compliments it.
I play most every day for at least 2 hours.
Your in game name:admiralnelson24
Your age: 24
What you want out of this realm: amplified worlds pose a new challenge and id rather play with mature players.
what you plan to do/build: Decent redstone work especially storage systems and farms. Also strong with team builds and terraforming
Welcome CaptainSmirks your invite is on the way
Welcome to our realm admiralnelson24, your invite will be sent shortly
I have cleared out the non-active players, so now we have plenty of slots open for new, mature, active, players to join us!
Active players are welcome!
Hello Mr_Pistachios!
Played Minecraft back when it was beta and when private servers started to get really popular.
Stopped for about 3~4 years? maybe?
And wanted to come back to Minecraft for some minecraft and chill.
Your in game name: [/b]imTetsuu
Your age: [/b]22
What you want out of this realm: [/b]Relaxing time with a mature <- main reason why i clicked your post!
) community, to play and to have fun.
what you plan to do/build: Start off by building a small hut for meself in some remote location that's annoying to get to cos I like the idea of the country side. Then once in awhile, go into town to shop and sell cobblestone.
Realize this contributes close to nothing. Since i'm on the other side of earth, I could help you guys with menial tasks, eg, if you built something in dirt, i could help change it into cobblestone or anything else you guys might want if i spot a sign or something (eg leave a chest nearby with materials i may not have). I'm also good with redstone engineering and helping out with expanding the city / paving roads etc.
Welcome imTetsuu! We are glad you could join us, your invite will be sent shortly
Hope to see you online soon
Hello! My name is Frankie! My ign: WhatzeFrigg, Age: 23[/b]
What I would like out of this realm is just a secure place to build cities/villages in survival! I love to check around and see other players progress and creations. Im usually a very independent worker and build on my own. I love the idea of sharing a world with other people and perhaps making roads and connections with other player's cities/towns/whatever and making a travel-able world out of it![/b]
I plan to build villages/towns/cities for everyone to visit at will! I'm a peaceful builder and collector of materials. Always happy and willing to trade materials/help with projects, but for the most part I am an independent builder! I usually build up until I believe the location is complete and then move on to another spot.[/b]
[b]Would very much love to be considered! Thanks very much![/b]
That sounds great WhatzeFrigg! I will send your invite soon
Hello Pishachio, I'd like to join your amazing realm server so here is my application:
Your in game name: [/b]ImAury
Your age: [/b]16 years of age
What you want out of this realm: [/b]I want this Realm server to become a relaxation server. I'm currently staff on a very stressful minecraft server and I'm facing some pretty intense life issues that I'd rather not get into. I'd like to join this server to just have a good time, build some, meet some new people, and to relax from everything that's happening in my life. I can assure you that I'm mature and I know how to properly handle issues. I don't pick fights but I do tend to defend myself when I'm feeling like I'm being harassed, hopefully on this Realm server I won't see any of that because that is mainly what I'm trying to avoid.
what you plan to do/build: [/b]I plan on building my own little house to live in and hopefully expanding it to a village if possible. I'd like to explore and use the nice resources that are available for me. As I stated before, I'm also looking to meet hopefully some new friends and get along with others well. I'm hoping to be accepted onto your realm server and spending some time building nice things for you server. Thank you for considering me, it means a lot.
Welcome ImAury I am very glad you are looking for a stress free realm, I try my hardest to make this as fun as possible by eliminating immature players as quickly as possible I hope you enjoy yourself here
Hey man
I'd like to join you on your amplified adventures.
IGN: Holykush
Age: 24
I'm a fairly decent builder and pretty good with Redstone.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Welcome all new players