Edaukin's Realm is going to a be a completely vanilla Minecraft server. We already have the website set up for users that have been accepted to talk until the server is finished. There are no real requirements to joining, but it's recommended that you seem some-what professional. Also, this server is supposed to be kid-friendly. As it says above the server is not finished, but we're adding a number of players to the white-list so the server isn't empty when it starts. We will have one plot in spawn for each player to create a shop so others can come by and purchase items or trade.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN: LordSigma_
Real Name: Abraham
Age: 12
Time On Minecraft: For about 3 years now.
Ever Been Whitelisted? Yes, I have been whitelisted.
Time On Server: If possible at least everyday.
Country: USA
Me: Well, I am a squeaker who does YouTube and plays video games for example, Minecraft, COD, Halo or basically almost every game on Xbox history. I am usually happy, humble, and helpful to people such as giving people things that they need.
Lord_sigma01, you will be added to the servers whitelist and sent the IP once it's running. I apologize for the late respond, I haven't been on the forums in a bit.
Server Status: Not Finished
Edaukin's Realm is going to a be a completely vanilla Minecraft server. We already have the website set up for users that have been accepted to talk until the server is finished. There are no real requirements to joining, but it's recommended that you seem some-what professional. Also, this server is supposed to be kid-friendly. As it says above the server is not finished, but we're adding a number of players to the white-list so the server isn't empty when it starts. We will have one plot in spawn for each player to create a shop so others can come by and purchase items or trade.
* = Required
*Minecraft Username:
Real Name:
How long have you played Minecraft:
Have you been on any other white-listed servers:
How often can you be on:
Tell us something about yourself:
*Enjin profile:
IGN: LordSigma_
Real Name: Abraham
Age: 12
Time On Minecraft: For about 3 years now.
Ever Been Whitelisted? Yes, I have been whitelisted.
Time On Server: If possible at least everyday.
Country: USA
Me: Well, I am a squeaker who does YouTube and plays video games for example, Minecraft, COD, Halo or basically almost every game on Xbox history. I am usually happy, humble, and helpful to people such as giving people things that they need.
Enjin: LordSigma_
Skype: Nachoman901
And I also have my own TeamSpeak with 25 slots.
Lord_sigma01, you will be added to the servers whitelist and sent the IP once it's running. I apologize for the late respond, I haven't been on the forums in a bit.
Please sign up to the website! Edaukin's Realm Website