Note: This post is to see who would be interested in a server like this. If the server were to gain interest, it would IDEALLY launch January 31st at 12:00 PM EST (What's that in YOUR time zone? see:,1740,cn3 - opens in a new window.)
The idea behind 16 Chunks is simple: A 16 chunk by 16 chunk (256 block by 256 block) world border.
What might happen
This will probably cause things like:
Wars for resources
And mostly wars for resources.
However, the following can also happen:
An economy
A large village
Towns, cities
A minecart transportation system going all the way to all towns?
Are you interested?
Leave your in-game name and skype in a reply.
If you are not comfortable with replying your skype, please send it to me in a message.
Hope to see you!
5 people should be enough to start at least some kind of thing in my opinion, and it seems to be pretty popular. 5 people in 2 days is a good start. Also, I got an epic seed of an island (probably around 16 chunks big too!), its called 'Nebula'. I think it was large biomes.
Very good seed, I checked it out! Might as well try opening the server to see what happens. I'll try and get it up and running by later today.
I am also thinking that 5-6 (if active) people is enough for a small server like that, it can let us a week or two before the struggles becomes real. Just hit me up on skype when the server is ready, if you open it
Note: This post is to see who would be interested in a server like this. If the server were to gain interest, it would IDEALLY launch January 31st at 12:00 PM EST (What's that in YOUR time zone? see:,1740,cn3 - opens in a new window.)The idea behind 16 Chunks is simple: A 16 chunk by 16 chunk (256 block by 256 block) world border.
What might happen
This will probably cause things like:Are you interested?
Leave your in-game name and skype in a reply.If you are not comfortable with replying your skype, please send it to me in a message.
Hope to see you!
IGN: Blackbomb1
Skype: Will send you a message.
I've added you both via Skype
skype : vincentfalardeau_1
That sounds like a lot of fun, plus I am completely free at the time you plan on launching it.
I would really like to see what would happen, definitively want to be a part of that experiment!
I've added you on Skype!
Skype: Pongw16
Very good seed, I checked it out! Might as well try opening the server to see what happens. I'll try and get it up and running by later today.