1) Minecraft IGN: ihategravel22
2) Age: 17
3) Time You can be on: 4pm- 9pm EST I have some of the afternoon free on weekdays. And I Should be on quite a bit on weekends.
4) Do you frequent the forums?: Generally for mods, and info about mods. I mainly just lurk around the forums from time to time.
5) Are You making a town? No.
6) if not, are you looking to join a town? Not really, but I can if anybody needs a recruit for smithing, or just needs help.
Mangooses servers were pretty fun, and it looks like this one should be to
Accepted. also your name sounds very familiar, were you on mangoose's server back in march?
1) Minecraft IGN: Tials
2) Age: 18
3) Time You can be on: It depends on the day, I think (on average) I can be on more or less 6 hours a day.
4) Do you frequent the forums?: Not that much, I usually just go on the server page for the server that I am on.
5) Are You making a town (if yes, name and one other persons name) Nope.
6) if not, are you looking to join a town? Yep.
I prefer not to add any more than I need to my system, and downloading a modpack is not that hard.
Fair enough.
And about the server... well simply put even if its is just minefantasy alone the host says its too much. the server runs fine but apparently laggs the rest of his computer too much, meaning he himself cant get on the server. so either he learns to deal with some lag, or we cant have a minefantasy server. not very good options.
that being said when the 1.7 comes out we will see if it is any better with performance. if not, well...
that sounds weird, can he run multiplayer/lan without the problem?
yes, he has ran and hosted servers before, no such problem. but with the modpack his cpu caps out at around 30%, with just minefantasy it jumps between 20 and 30.
So, ive decided against all 3 of the modpacks. because they would all not work with one terrain generator mod that i have fallen in love with. this modpack is similar to the original, only less magic mods and no minefantasy. however we will try and use the 1.7 when it comes out. and there is some place holder mods in there so i can probably configure in all the ores, so anything built now will transfer over. as well as there will be more quests as well. quest book and possibly some npc quests. not your standard fetch quests. world altering things.
ill be getting a new modlist for ya tomorrow. and again im sorry about this delay.
Edit: Forums, stop with the spacing. single is what i want, double is what you gave me. quadruple is what im getting.
Accepted. also your name sounds very familiar, were you on mangoose's server back in march?
2) Age: 18
3) Time You can be on: It depends on the day, I think (on average) I can be on more or less 6 hours a day.
4) Do you frequent the forums?: Not that much, I usually just go on the server page for the server that I am on.
5) Are You making a town (if yes, name and one other persons name) Nope.
6) if not, are you looking to join a town? Yep.
Are you just not allowed to be on the server anymore, or can you get back in some way?
Well, if you are that against it i can offer a manual download. but you will have to redownload every time there is an update.
Yes, very much a ban. and there are few reasons i would let someone get back on after it. so its very much a perma-ban.
Fair enough.
And about the server... well simply put even if its is just minefantasy alone the host says its too much. the server runs fine but apparently laggs the rest of his computer too much, meaning he himself cant get on the server. so either he learns to deal with some lag, or we cant have a minefantasy server. not very good options.
that being said when the 1.7 comes out we will see if it is any better with performance. if not, well...
yes, he has ran and hosted servers before, no such problem. but with the modpack his cpu caps out at around 30%, with just minefantasy it jumps between 20 and 30.
Hardcore questing mod for the lives, and Youwilldie for the word disadvantage.
the server files? ill have to wait for miner to get on today for them.
Ive got a few packs in reserve.
-Terraferma pack, terraferma with a few extra fluff mods.
-Fallout theme, a modpack based on the game Fallout. technically a tech modpack, but more based on survival then automation.
-Lord of the rings, simply the LotR mod with some fluff.
ideas, suggestions?
Always wanted to get into it, but none of the current servers really work for me.
I know how you feel, most of them only seem to use terrafema with nothing else...
but there is the problem of there being not much else for it.
Been waiting a long time. *sigh*
well, hopefully 1.7.10 minefantasy is less of a memory hog.
ill be getting a new modlist for ya tomorrow. and again im sorry about this delay.
Edit: Forums, stop with the spacing. single is what i want, double is what you gave me. quadruple is what im getting.
And some pics of the mod i fell in love with.
And you will be happy to know that those are pictures from the server world. ill be doing some stress test today, then writing some of the quest book.