The Server is not on hardcore mod in the usual sense. no pemadeath, yet. you start with five lives and when you use them up, then its pemadeath. you can gain extra lives through slayer tasks or through major questlines. Quests might be hinted at through the quest book, or be in it in the first place. but the majority of the quests take place in the Capitol city of Daganov keep. a quest to go there will be provided in the book. Also your own town might have quests take place there.
But only if:
1) it looks nice enough
2) you meet a population requirement. (Npc or Player)
3) it is protected
Also health regeneration is disabled. some healing herbs can be found in Daemonheim. a infinitely massive dungeon. also there is a small chance of enemies dropping hearts as well as the grass to heal you.
Unfortunately much more mild of a challenge then the old pack.
Terms of war and factions.
Not going to lie, we show favoritism to factions/towns. to qualify for a town, just have two people or more living in the same area, working together.
don't know how to give advantage to these people. suggestions on town benefits are welcome.
Each town when created will have the option to create a currency. this currency will be used by your town and possibly others if they like it enough. to make a currency, just come up with a name and what it is backed by. Example: the town of Ost Brannoth uses the currency Krune which is One Krune = 1 iron bar. So if other towns accept this, then trade with this coin would be worth such. please note that currency will only work if you have people spend it. it becomes useless if you collect it.
Declaring War.
first off. you have to be a part of a town, otherwise "war" would be "grudge match", the rules are simple, when you declare war on another town they have to accept. even if there is war between two factions, anyone in either faction can opt-out of the fighting. during war, PvP between participants has one rule, no spawn camping, don't remove their lives if they are not defending themselves.
"Wha, you loose lives from pvp! not worth it!"
Good. you get the point. having war between players is costly and better to be avoided. instead, higher troops with ancientwarfare and fight your battles tactically with them. no player lives will be lost, and we still get war. note though, it is still an AI, one player is easily worth 20 footsoldiers.
Seiging a town
fighting will never always be kept to the wilderness. sometimes you need to take an outpost or even the city itself. in this case, greifing is allowed to a point. tunneling into the walls is lame. explosive siege engines are not lame. if things get destroyed by explosives, oh well. if the damage is excessive, more then just blasting a wall/simple fighting. meaning you are just throwing bombs into a shop for fun. that is bannable. just don't level the town. to take the city, its up to the fighters what counts as a win, capture the flag in the base, kill all the troops, 1v1 duel between troops. as long as bolth sides agree. its fine. if one town agrees on war, but you agree on no town warfare, or leave certain towns alone, then you must adhere to it. but if no such thing is agreed upon BEFORE the war starts. then it is fair game.
Writing the terms of war before hand in a book and quill might be handy later on, if you need an admin to officiate it, we will. anything to prevent arguments later on.
1) Minecraft IGN:
2) Age:
3) Time You can be on:
4) Do you frequent the forums?:
5) Are You making a town (if yes, name and one other persons name)
6) if not, are you looking to join a town? 7)Do you submit to imperial law?
If you are accepted you will be pmed with the server ip and modpack link.
Oh, ya, should mention that. Yes minefantasy is on hardcore, with hardcore leather. no, there is not natural regeneration. but if you follow the quest book then you should get a few bandages early on. This is the harddest of core
as for players. this originally was going to be a private server for myself and my friends. but i got the host to allow it to be whitelisted. mostly to allow a few more factions. id say around 10 or so people. plus any whitelist applications.
Please note, if you want your own custom currency for your town, i need a name, and ether a texture image or a material type (ill make the texture for it). If not then you will have to wait for the next update to the modpack to get your currency minted.
Of course, it always seems that people find a way to screw up the install otherwise. even if it all in one neet little folder. also it allows updates to flow in much easier considering you don't have to re download everything.
Well, this is a partnership server. my friend has been doing servers for a while now, but knows nothing of mods. i know the mods, but know little of servers, and have no way of hosting one. and currently he is on vacation (why the server isnt up) so when he gets back then we will decide on the whitelist. but dont worry, there will be a whitelist before the server goes up.
The modpack is ready to roll. I'm still trying to get a modded server setup. I haven't been working on that as much as I should due to IRL priorities that come first. I should have the actual server setup this weekend and have the server released to the public by next week, or even earlier if I get some time to do so.
thus far we have not loaded the mods in, but that will be later today. if we have problems ill keep your offer in mind.
Tree capitator, i thought about only saws yes, but then axes would be useless. the saws don't seem to take more damage for more logs capitated, and it keeps its speed regardless. but the way it works is that only axes that have the enchantment : tree capitator : will capitate trees, as well as vanilla axes. but vanilla axes are rare and its not the best to use them. as well as because xp keeps your health above the min of 3, enchantments are going to be quite rare.
I have seen this mod, and even tested it a while back. simple answer: no. better answer: yes i like boats, and yes boats are needed. the current map is a nice sized continent, a bamboo forest with the largest snow biome ive ever seen south. but the rest is ocean and i have not explored the area out there to see what it is. but thus far ive only seen two mods with build-able ships, archemidies, a buggy pisspoor excuse of a boat mod. and this one. nice, but still buggy. first off is the fact that modded blocks will crash the boat, and if it hadn't compiled yet, it would result in a corrupted chunk. also entities cant ride on it for long before bugging out. and sometimes the player will bug out through it, be stuck, and have to wait to starve to death.
might use the elegant punt mod, checking if it will work now.
1) Minecraft IGN: NorseEngineer
2) Age: 23
3) Time You can be on: GMT+1 10-10, not really doing much these days so will probably spend plenty of time there
4) Do you frequent the forums?: that I do, woke up to 7 notifications about posts in threads I've posted in
5) Are You making a town: I suppose, hinn forni sidr as a name(with or without the spaces). With my gf using my old MC proeliatorus, though she will first be able to join in 2 weeks
6) if not, are you looking to join a town? could use someone for smithing work, or if ppl have some other preferred profession.
what version of battlegear are you using? the newest have crashes from MF shields
and what is with the burning of lapis?
For battlegear we are using have not had a crash with any of the shields.
In the mod pack each world is given a disadvantage, mobs have more health, neverending rain. ect. and to get rid of it you have to preform a goal of sorts, kill a dragon, burn a diamond. this world has forever night, until we burn 2 blocks of lapis.
But if you want a cooler answer, these lands have been cursed by a lich, shrouding the lands in darkness. sacrificing Lapis to the air should remove this curse. considering the gems effects on the undead.
Growthcraft (no Fishtraps)
But only if:
1) it looks nice enough
2) you meet a population requirement. (Npc or Player)
3) it is protected
Also health regeneration is disabled. some healing herbs can be found in Daemonheim. a infinitely massive dungeon. also there is a small chance of enemies dropping hearts as well as the grass to heal you.
Unfortunately much more mild of a challenge then the old pack.
don't know how to give advantage to these people. suggestions on town benefits are welcome.
Each town when created will have the option to create a currency. this currency will be used by your town and possibly others if they like it enough. to make a currency, just come up with a name and what it is backed by. Example: the town of Ost Brannoth uses the currency Krune which is One Krune = 1 iron bar. So if other towns accept this, then trade with this coin would be worth such. please note that currency will only work if you have people spend it. it becomes useless if you collect it.
Declaring War.
first off. you have to be a part of a town, otherwise "war" would be "grudge match", the rules are simple, when you declare war on another town they have to accept. even if there is war between two factions, anyone in either faction can opt-out of the fighting. during war, PvP between participants has one rule, no spawn camping, don't remove their lives if they are not defending themselves.
"Wha, you loose lives from pvp! not worth it!"
Good. you get the point. having war between players is costly and better to be avoided. instead, higher troops with ancientwarfare and fight your battles tactically with them. no player lives will be lost, and we still get war. note though, it is still an AI, one player is easily worth 20 footsoldiers.
Seiging a town
fighting will never always be kept to the wilderness. sometimes you need to take an outpost or even the city itself. in this case, greifing is allowed to a point. tunneling into the walls is lame. explosive siege engines are not lame. if things get destroyed by explosives, oh well. if the damage is excessive, more then just blasting a wall/simple fighting. meaning you are just throwing bombs into a shop for fun. that is bannable. just don't level the town. to take the city, its up to the fighters what counts as a win, capture the flag in the base, kill all the troops, 1v1 duel between troops. as long as bolth sides agree. its fine. if one town agrees on war, but you agree on no town warfare, or leave certain towns alone, then you must adhere to it. but if no such thing is agreed upon BEFORE the war starts. then it is fair game.
Writing the terms of war before hand in a book and quill might be handy later on, if you need an admin to officiate it, we will. anything to prevent arguments later on.
2) Age:
3) Time You can be on:
4) Do you frequent the forums?:
5) Are You making a town (if yes, name and one other persons name)
6) if not, are you looking to join a town? 7)Do you submit to imperial law?
If you are accepted you will be pmed with the server ip and modpack link.
as for players. this originally was going to be a private server for myself and my friends. but i got the host to allow it to be whitelisted. mostly to allow a few more factions. id say around 10 or so people. plus any whitelist applications.
Spent the last 2 months perfecting it. ive spent at least 50+ hours writing the quest book alone. hope you enjoy the 200+ quests available.
Looks like you've got quite some content!
Really looking forward to this server.
more or less the book is sometimes rendered as well.EDIT: 404, post not found.
thus far we have not loaded the mods in, but that will be later today. if we have problems ill keep your offer in mind.
Tree capitator, i thought about only saws yes, but then axes would be useless. the saws don't seem to take more damage for more logs capitated, and it keeps its speed regardless. but the way it works is that only axes that have the enchantment : tree capitator : will capitate trees, as well as vanilla axes. but vanilla axes are rare and its not the best to use them. as well as because xp keeps your health above the min of 3, enchantments are going to be quite rare.
I have seen this mod, and even tested it a while back. simple answer: no. better answer: yes i like boats, and yes boats are needed. the current map is a nice sized continent, a bamboo forest with the largest snow biome ive ever seen south. but the rest is ocean and i have not explored the area out there to see what it is. but thus far ive only seen two mods with build-able ships, archemidies, a buggy pisspoor excuse of a boat mod. and this one. nice, but still buggy. first off is the fact that modded blocks will crash the boat, and if it hadn't compiled yet, it would result in a corrupted chunk. also entities cant ride on it for long before bugging out. and sometimes the player will bug out through it, be stuck, and have to wait to starve to death.
might use the elegant punt mod, checking if it will work now.
Also, it seems that any early-birds will take part in a harder challenge then i expected. The world is on perma-night until we burn some lapis.
For battlegear we are using have not had a crash with any of the shields.
In the mod pack each world is given a disadvantage, mobs have more health, neverending rain. ect. and to get rid of it you have to preform a goal of sorts, kill a dragon, burn a diamond. this world has forever night, until we burn 2 blocks of lapis.
But if you want a cooler answer, these lands have been cursed by a lich, shrouding the lands in darkness. sacrificing Lapis to the air should remove this curse. considering the gems effects on the undead.
Unknown error has occured.
Nope, its still good.