I told jam about it and we worked on finding who did it, I do not know if he found out who thew.
And we cant install any plugin untell the 1.8 official not pre, that is when the people making them will update.
I recommend you keep all your valuables on your character in a hidden chest or enderchest for the time being.
Send me a PM that includes:
Also, a word of warning to anyone who sees this as an opportunity to get free stuff — do not claim that you were griefed or stolen from in an attempt to game the system. This server is 100% legit, so if you if you waste my time by lying you'll be banned as well.
– Jam
Age: 17
Location: TX,USA
Experience/Background: been playing for about 2 years know most things about Minecraft, Im a pretty good builder
Primary Play Style: survival, builder, explorer
Skype: No Skype
Reasons For Applying: i been looking for a good survival server to build and play multiplayer on a friendly server
Additional Comments: thanks! let me know as soon as u can!
Location: Whittier California
Experience: About a year and a half
Primary Play Style: A little of everything
Skype: None
Reason For Applying: I have been looking for a 1.8-pre 3 and this one look Great!
Additional Comments: Im am really good at /summon I can make custom cillagers (Really hard but its possible) to A SpaceMan Zombie
TheCountChuckula's Mods on CurseForge
TheCountChuckula's Mods on CurseForge
my soulmatesomeone who can build better than me, but isn't quite as good with redstone, so we can share knowledge and do stuff together. Also I cant possibly enjoy all the delicious spider eyes from my spider farm alone.