In Game Name (IGN): Ectoh
- Age: 16 years old.
- Location: East Coast, Australia.
- Experience/Background: I am an experienced Minecrafter; been playing since Alpha and love a nice community.
- Primary Play Style: My favourite Minecraft pastimes are mining and building.
- Skype: Sledgify.
- Reason For Applying: The server I am currently on has announced it will shut down in the coming weeks, and I feel we should move on.

- Additional Comments/Info: In the few short weeks I have been apart of my previous server, I have spent 30+ hours playing. I am a dedicated player and helpful within the community.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to join an awesome server!.
Age: 25
Location: Canada
Experience/Background: Been playing for quite some time. Pretty sure I still have my first screenshots from back in alpha, lol.
Primary Play Style: Building, exploring, farming, mining. I love building villages and cities with a lot of detail and quite enjoy terraforming.
Skype: I don't use Skype >_<
Reason For Applying: Need a new home to build and hang out with some neat folks.
Additional Comments/Info: I'll be playing mainly evenings and weekends.
Application Status Currently PAUSED