Hey this server is new and its real good. It has awesome staff and you could join today just post below your info below! The website and ip adress down below also check out our youtube!
In-Game Name:
Why You Want To Be Staff:
What Position:
How We Should Contact You:
If Someone Was Spamming
What Would You Do?
Do You Have Experience?
This server is in violation of the End-User License Agreement
Continue to have "donator" ranks, and this server will be shut down by Mojang, based in Stockholm, Sweden. US copyright laws do not apply with a Swedish company.
Website: DiamondCraftStore <-Click Here
Staff Aplication
In-Game Name:
Why You Want To Be Staff:
What Position:
How We Should Contact You:
If Someone Was Spamming
What Would You Do?
Do You Have Experience?
Continue to have "donator" ranks, and this server will be shut down by Mojang, based in Stockholm, Sweden. US copyright laws do not apply with a Swedish company.