IGN: mykehdoom
Age: 26
Timezone: Eastern
Anything about yourself? I'm married, and have a 4 month old son that loves to watch me play.
Why do you want to join? I love the snapshot and wish to play on a snapshot server.
Any abilities? I'm an amazing builder.
IGN:hongsterdan Age:13 (turning 14 soon) Timezone: EDT Anything about yourself? - I can build pretty good. i know im young but i do have a mature brain. Unlike some othe people Why do you want to join? - I want to be in something where no one grifes or harm each other. I want o be in a friendly server. Any abilities? I can do amost anything with my hands I can fix stuff. Good at redstone. I learn coding.
Age: 18
Timezone: EST
Anything about yourself? (Optional) Im an senior in high school who loves sports and also plays lacrosse on my high school team. I also love to watch football and basketball, if you couldn't tell already im an Ohio State fan. I love to build mega builds and also cities, for example here is some pictures of my castle on a previous server http://buckeyefan107.imgur.com/all/ . I also love to just mine and an horde a lot of materials. My Skype name is BUCKEYEfan107 if there is anything you want to talk about. That's pretty much it for me.
Why do you want to join? I want to join the server because all there servers ive been on have either quit or died out due to inactivity and I was the only one on, or had griefers on the server and it starts a lot of controversy on the server and I don't like dealing with that. I just want to join a server that has a strong community and also is very active. Also a server that has awesome builds and cool redstone contraptions.
Any abilities? I would say my best ability is building. I'm not too good at redstone, if I have to do anything redstone related, I usually have to look it up and its usually a simple redstone contraption.
I just wanted to say thanks for letting me apply and I hope I get accepted to the server
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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IGN: thouse111
Age: 18 years old.
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time. (Canada)
Anything about yourself? (Optional) Well im 18 years old, I just graduated high school this year, and now im into the world yay finally! I've been playing minecraft for 2 years now and have had such fun! Im an active kinda guy, I enjoy to go on walks with my girlfriend and play all the sports, basketball, football, baseball, hockey, tennis etc. I live at home and spend a lot of time, to much time behind my computer monitor. But i cant get away from video games I mean who can? Who doesn't want to sit here and play minecraft? Thats why we are all here! Anyways, im a pretty outgoing individual and i like to jump into conversation and make new friends! I started doing YouTube awhile ago but took a break since school was a pain in the butt, probably will start it up again though! I'm going to college for computer programming next September not the one coming. Im taking a year off to figure stuff out and work a bit for some cash, also because I was late on applying.. I play multiple games on the PC, and love to hangout with the guys/ girlfriend of course! I've played baseball for the last 14 years of my life very competitively. I go to the gym 4 times a week and I love love love food! Yea thats about my whole life story in a wrap! Not intended but oh well!
Why do you want to join? Id love to join a professional and stable minecraft server that is A) Whitelisted - Not a billion people on and no where to do anything. Thats just uncomfortable. Mature Staff and Owners - That play the same way as normal players where all is equal. C) No paying to win - People cant donate or give money just to be the very best or number one. Again Equal D) A server that has great potential and looks very strong. These kind of servers are hard to come by and it would be an honor to be accepted to 'The Verge'.
Any abilities? I can dig a hole, I can mine a block, and I can build a cave. Not the most rounded ability guy here but my personality and attitude I think would serve well in community like this, I can get along with all ages and gender, or belief. Everyone is equal in my eye and i love meeting new friends. Okay my abilities i probably down played a bit but i don't want anyone to have high expectations of what I can do then be very disappointed!
Anyways I thank you all for reading this eye burning application because its so dang long. I just like to take pride in all things i do and give it my best shot. So i hope to see the server soon and the community along with it! Thanks again!
IGN: GamerGal3 Age: I'm 14 but I will be turning 15 this year. Timezone: EST Anything about yourself? (Optional) I've been playing minecraft for over 2 years now, and I am addicted to it. Along with gaming I also dance, play sports, and love school. Even though I am involved in quite a few things, I still have lots of time to play minecraft. Why do you want to join? I want to join because I love doing Vanilla and SMP servers, and the one I had been playing on for a while went down a few months ago and hasn't been up since. I love watching youtubers like MineplexOfficial and StacyPlays who do videos of the Cube SMP, which this server looks very similar to. Any abilities? I'm pretty talented in building. I have built some of Walt Disney World in minecraft before, and I can give you pics if you want proof. I also like to go mining and get a ton of diamonds and iron so I can be stocked up on it if I ever need to buy something from a shop.
IGN: GamerGal3 Age: I'm 14 but I will be turning 15 this year. Timezone: EST Anything about yourself? (Optional) I've been playing minecraft for over 2 years now, and I am addicted to it. Along with gaming I also dance, play sports, and love school. Even though I am involved in quite a few things, I still have lots of time to play minecraft. Why do you want to join? I want to join because I love doing Vanilla and SMP servers, and the one I had been playing on for a while went down a few months ago and hasn't been up since. I love watching youtubers like MineplexOfficial and StacyPlays who do videos of the Cube SMP, which this server looks very similar to. Any abilities? I'm pretty talented in building. I have built some of Walt Disney World in minecraft before, and I can give you pics if you want proof. I also like to go mining and get a ton of diamonds and iron so I can be stocked up on it if I ever need to buy something from a shop.
IGN: McLovinMC Age: 16 Timezone: GMT (England, UK) Anything about yourself? I've been playing Minecraft for around 2 years now, I really like mint chocolate chip ice-cream and Adventure Time. Why do you want to join? I want to join because my cousin, Claudia and I watch the Cube SMP regularly and we have always talked about wanting to join an SMP but neither of us have ever been given the opportunity to do so. Any abilities? I'm pretty good at building and I know the basics when it comes to redstone. And I'm also really good at being bad at PVP.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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IGN: doopster13 Age: 15 Timezone: utc Anything about yourself? (Optional) if been on minecraft for like 2 years i like new people and having fun by building bases and other cool stuff Why do you want to join? iwould like to join because i like meeting new people and having fun with them. Any abilities? I'm pretty good in building cool looking bases. I have built this cool looking roller coster and a manchin and lodes of towers in minecraft before, and I can give you pics if you want proof. And i love making shops and selling all sorts of stuff
About Me: I've always been told be friends family and teachers that I'm mature for my age and if that why you want the age limit to be 15 i respect that. As a young youtuber I always enjoy watching older more experienced people like Strauberry Jam and MunchingOrange. The cube SMP is my favorite series on staubs channel and second is cube evolution. Ever since Cube SMP started I tried to make my own SMP but unfortunately i failed since i could nt run the server 24/7 and felt i let down my friends. Also i have Dyslexia so I'm not the best speller.
Why do I want to join?: Just today i saw how brutal nonwhite-listed SMPs are as i saw my friends house burnt by lava before me and i could not stop it. that is the aspect i don't like about public SMPs and when i saw the rules for this server allowing pranks with no real damage i fell in love.
Abilities?: I have goodish building skills along with good use of space without making the land look like poop. I'm also a good landscaper and if you want I can find (or make) a nice piece of land.
Anything about yourself? I'm a quebecor so my english is ok but i'm not perfectly bilingual I've been playing minecraft for 3 years and i really like the game.
Why do you want to join? I really like to play the game but alone is kind boring, it nice to play with others to see what they can do, to show what you can do and....sometimes...prank them
Any abilities : I'm a great builder, i like to design structures and do original stuff, i would like to build a green house in the nether probably on this server. Im ok with the redstone and my pvp skills are great too.
Anything about yourself? (Optional) I am a bit timid at first, but once you get to know me, I end up opening up and becoming very friendly.
Why do you want to join? I would like to join simply because I can't find a community that would like to simply play some good old fashioned vanilla minecraft, and I love watching all these SMP videos on YT and would love to be apart of that sort of community myself.
Any abilities? My building capabilities are relatively good and so are my redstone capabilities. My strength is definitely asthetics. Also relatively good with Photoshop CC and graphic design overall.
Anything about yourself? I'm a quebecor so my english is ok but i'm not perfectly bilingual I've been playing minecraft for 3 years and i really like the game.
Why do you want to join? I really like to play the game but alone is kind boring, it nice to play with others to see what they can do, to show what you can do and....sometimes...prank them
Any abilities : I'm a great builder, i like to design structures and do original stuff, i would like to build a green house in the nether probably on this server. Im ok with the redstone and my pvp skills are great too.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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IGN: doopster13 Age: 15 Timezone: utc Anything about yourself? (Optional) if been on minecraft for like 2 years i like new people and having fun by building bases and other cool stuff Why do you want to join? iwould like to join because i like meeting new people and having fun with them. Any abilities? I'm pretty good in building cool looking bases. I have built this cool looking roller coster and a manchin and lodes of towers in minecraft before, and I can give you pics if you want proof. And i love making shops and selling all sorts of stuff
Whitelisted! Accepting more good applications!
Age:13 (turning 14 soon)
Timezone: EDT
Anything about yourself? - I can build pretty good. i know im young but i do have a mature brain. Unlike some othe people
Why do you want to join? - I want to be in something where no one grifes or harm each other. I want o be in a friendly server.
Any abilities? I can do amost anything with my hands
Age: 18 years old.
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time. (Canada)
Anything about yourself? (Optional) Well im 18 years old, I just graduated high school this year, and now im into the world yay finally! I've been playing minecraft for 2 years now and have had such fun! Im an active kinda guy, I enjoy to go on walks with my girlfriend and play all the sports, basketball, football, baseball, hockey, tennis etc. I live at home and spend a lot of time, to much time behind my computer monitor. But i cant get away from video games
Why do you want to join? Id love to join a professional and stable minecraft server that is A) Whitelisted - Not a billion people on and no where to do anything. Thats just uncomfortable.
Any abilities? I can dig a hole, I can mine a block, and I can build a cave. Not the most rounded ability guy here but my personality and attitude I think would serve well in community like this, I can get along with all ages and gender, or belief. Everyone is equal in my eye and i love meeting new friends. Okay my abilities i probably down played a bit but i don't want anyone to have high expectations of what I can do then be very disappointed!
Anyways I thank you all for reading this eye burning application because its so dang long. I just like to take pride in all things i do and give it my best shot. So i hope to see the server soon and the community along with it! Thanks again!
Age: I'm 14 but I will be turning 15 this year.
Timezone: EST
Anything about yourself? (Optional) I've been playing minecraft for over 2 years now, and I am addicted to it. Along with gaming I also dance, play sports, and love school. Even though I am involved in quite a few things, I still have lots of time to play minecraft.
Why do you want to join? I want to join because I love doing Vanilla and SMP servers, and the one I had been playing on for a while went down a few months ago and hasn't been up since. I love watching youtubers like MineplexOfficial and StacyPlays who do videos of the Cube SMP, which this server looks very similar to.
Any abilities? I'm pretty talented in building. I have built some of Walt Disney World in minecraft before, and I can give you pics if you want proof. I also like to go mining and get a ton of diamonds and iron so I can be stocked up on it if I ever need to buy something from a shop.
Age: 15
Timezone: utc
Anything about yourself? (Optional) if been on minecraft for like 2 years i like new people and having fun by building bases and other cool stuff
Why do you want to join? i would like to join because i like meeting new people and having fun with them.
Any abilities? I'm pretty good in building cool looking bases. I have built this cool looking roller coster and a manchin and lodes of towers in minecraft before, and I can give you pics if you want proof. And i love making shops and selling all sorts of stuff
Age: 13 (a little too young)
Timezone: eastern usa
About Me: I've always been told be friends family and teachers that I'm mature for my age and if that why you want the age limit to be 15 i respect that. As a young youtuber I always enjoy watching older more experienced people like Strauberry Jam and MunchingOrange. The cube SMP is my favorite series on staubs channel and second is cube evolution. Ever since Cube SMP started I tried to make my own SMP but unfortunately i failed since i could nt run the server 24/7 and felt i let down my friends. Also i have Dyslexia so I'm not the best speller.
Why do I want to join?: Just today i saw how brutal nonwhite-listed SMPs are as i saw my friends house burnt by lava before me and i could not stop it. that is the aspect i don't like about public SMPs and when i saw the rules for this server allowing pranks with no real damage i fell in love.
Abilities?: I have goodish building skills along with good use of space without making the land look like poop. I'm also a good landscaper and if you want I can find (or make) a nice piece of land.
Age: 21
Timezone: Estearn
Anything about yourself? I'm a quebecor so my english is ok but i'm not perfectly bilingual
Why do you want to join? I really like to play the game but alone is kind boring, it nice to play with others to see what they can do, to show what you can do and....sometimes...prank them
Any abilities : I'm a great builder, i like to design structures and do original stuff, i would like to build a green house in the nether probably on this server. Im ok with the redstone and my pvp skills are great too.
Age: 14
Timezone: PST
Anything about yourself? (Optional) I am a bit timid at first, but once you get to know me, I end up opening up and becoming very friendly.
Why do you want to join? I would like to join simply because I can't find a community that would like to simply play some good old fashioned vanilla minecraft, and I love watching all these SMP videos on YT and would love to be apart of that sort of community myself.
Any abilities? My building capabilities are relatively good and so are my redstone capabilities. My strength is definitely asthetics. Also relatively good with Photoshop CC and graphic design overall.
Age: 15
Timezone: utc
Anything about yourself? (Optional) if been on minecraft for like 2 years i like new people and having fun by building bases and other cool stuff
Why do you want to join? i would like to join because i like meeting new people and having fun with them.
Any abilities? I'm pretty good in building cool looking bases. I have built this cool looking roller coster and a manchin and lodes of towers in minecraft before, and I can give you pics if you want proof. And i love making shops and selling all sorts of stuff