Click here to see an image --> BossGaming is a server for players who want to advance and fight! Our game version is 1.7.9. We currently have over 40 plugins. Make your way through our custom made prison and mine your way to victory! Start from the worst faction and be the best around! Gain your tnt and blow the smithereens out of your opponents in tntwars. Rain vengeance upon enemies now!
IP -
Features - Mumble chat. - Custom made map. - A very friendly community and crew. - Lots of player Ranks and Commands. - A 24/7 dedicated server with little downtime, if any. - Lots ofPlayer Pluginsto enhance your game play.
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Click here to see an image -->
Click here to see an image -->
BossGaming is a server for players who want to advance and fight! Our game version is 1.7.9. We currently have over 40 plugins. Make your way through our custom made prison and mine your way to victory! Start from the worst faction and be the best around! Gain your tnt and blow the smithereens out of your opponents in tntwars. Rain vengeance upon enemies now!
- Mumble chat.
- Custom made map.
- A very friendly community and crew.
- Lots of player Ranks and Commands.
- A 24/7 dedicated server with little downtime, if any.
- Lots of Player Plugins to enhance your game play.
Click here to see an image -->
Click here to see an image -->
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