I've recently bought a server, and I'm going to use it for a special YOUTUBE series I have planned in Minecraft! So what it basically consists of is a Vanilla SMP. The twist however, is that once you die you are out, and the goal is so the group will kill the Ender Dragon (This must be done as a group though!). After the dragon is dead and players are eliminated, we will have a bit of time to prepare for a fight to the death for all remaining players. It is a unique idea!
Now If YOU want to be a part of this spectacular series I'm hosting, then you just need to fill the following requirements, and copy this template:
So If you are interested, go ahead and try out! Keep in mind that you MUST be a YouTuber, MUST have a good mic, MUST have skype, and MUST be 13+. EST Time zone is preferred (IT IS MINE)
Guys I hope you all try and join my new series idea with me, I'm super excited for this and I think you guys will be too! If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Minecraft Forum, or even ask on my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Games2Jump
I've recently bought a server, and I'm going to use it for a special YOUTUBE series I have planned in Minecraft! So what it basically consists of is a Vanilla SMP. The twist however, is that once you die you are out, and the goal is so the group will kill the Ender Dragon (This must be done as a group though!). After the dragon is dead and players are eliminated, we will have a bit of time to prepare for a fight to the death for all remaining players. It is a unique idea!
Now If YOU want to be a part of this spectacular series I'm hosting, then you just need to fill the following requirements, and copy this template:
Youtube Channel Link:
Time Zone:
Posting Schedule:
Favorite Server:
Tell a little about yourself:
So If you are interested, go ahead and try out! Keep in mind that you MUST be a YouTuber, MUST have a good mic, MUST have skype, and MUST be 13+. EST Time zone is preferred (IT IS MINE)
Guys I hope you all try and join my new series idea with me, I'm super excited for this and I think you guys will be too! If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Minecraft Forum, or even ask on my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Games2Jump
See ya there!