Hey I'm Kevin a.k.a darkmatterx3 which is my ign and i would love to be part of the minecraft realms and am happily willing to test things with you. I'm pretty active and can be on for 1-4 hours a day if needed. Thanks for the consideration ~Kevin Squidslayer
DrAwesomeMonkey is my IGN.
I am online whenever I'm not out, I am trustworthy, I am infact an admin on a very popular creative server called Pacific State, and I am a great builder.
I'm quite active and experienced (love to work with some redstone)
IGN: Quimoth
time zone: CET (GMT+1)
avg. hours per day: 2 or more (this will ofcourse depend on how much fun stuff there is still to do on your realms )
I'd be more than happy to join your server! I'm on MCPE everyday, If you whitelist me I'd be online as soon as I take notice of your invite.
MCPE IGN: TheAmazingRawr
I am just a Minecraft player that plays MCPE for good amounts of time. I would love to be part of this realm because this is something new. Everybody has to try something new when it comes to Minevraft, especially Pocket Edition. I hope you consider me. Thanks.
Oh, and by thew way, my timezone is PST (Pacific Standard Time)
IGN: iEirikra
IGN: Parmeet
i hope it's not too late but it's worth a shot!
i play everyday
Everyday i am online for 2 or 3 hours if you add me i ll be happy
I am online whenever I'm not out, I am trustworthy, I am infact an admin on a very popular creative server called Pacific State, and I am a great builder.
Would love to help you out. Got my own PC server.
IGN: Quimoth
time zone: CET (GMT+1)
avg. hours per day: 2 or more (this will ofcourse depend on how much fun stuff there is still to do on your realms
MCPE IGN: TheAmazingRawr
pls invite me I want this soo badly..
IGN: Pokefan203
This is MCPC realms, not MCPE realms.
thank you
IGN: arquitectonic