I'm a technical player with 10 years of playing Minecraft and I'm hosting a survival realm and I'm looking for players! Discord is required. I encourage you to use services like chunk base and non-cheaty client side mods (like minimaps, and inventory tweaks) eventually the realm will be converted into a server.
I'm a technical player with 10 years of playing Minecraft and I'm hosting a survival realm and I'm looking for players! Discord is required. I encourage you to use services like chunk base and non-cheaty client side mods (like minimaps, and inventory tweaks) eventually the realm will be converted into a server.
Hey I would love to join my IGN is Netrikk and so is my discord
I would love to join my IGN is JoshOCD and my discord is sinisterninja11
My ign is Voxzyi! Would love to join for fun. Only mod I use is optifine shaders
Hello! Im interested in joining. My Minecraft username is MixxedJargon707 and my discord tag is mixxedjargon707.
How do i join my name is Mr_nothere in game
Hey I'd like to join! My Discord is: Snickaloaf IGN: Snickalaof69
Do you have discord
Is it too late to join? If not my ign is TechnoSizZy and message me to set up discord
ING Deovolent1
IGN = Syrcle
Discord = Lesmith
minecraft user: Buyingink