Looking for players to play in my new realm, strictly a vanilla survival smp without a focus on pvp. Message me on discord at gfr46 if interested, I have a world that’s been created for about a week with some players but I’m willing to restart if we have some people committed to being active and building a great world
Looking for players to play in my new realm, strictly a vanilla survival smp without a focus on pvp. Message me on discord at gfr46 if interested, I have a world that’s been created for about a week with some players but I’m willing to restart if we have some people committed to being active and building a great world
I sent you a friend request on discord (username is theseventhyear)
it doesent let me friend you my discord is: VoltsKg
it doesent let me friend you my discord is aych0001
goatman847 is my minecraft username invite me to the realm