Hey! I have a java realm that could really use some new players.
It’s primarily just a survival world that we all help and build our own things on. Some are terraforming entire islands, some are building castles, and then there’s those that are just gathering materials and exploring the nether. We try to keep it 19+ for the sake of maturity within the realm. Super casual and fun. We have a nether portal tunnel connecting all our homes to each other for easy access. Starting to put a rail system up for it to make it even faster to travel. We even have a cute village called "Cherry Town!"
I have a discord server for it, which i will link below. If that’s not allowed, please let me know and I can edit to remove.
If it’s been too long for the link to not work, just shoot me a dm or comment here and I can add you to the realm & discord group. The discord group is not required to join the realm, but we all like having a place to discuss in case some of the other members are offline.
Hey! I have a java realm that could really use some new players.
It’s primarily just a survival world that we all help and build our own things on. Some are terraforming entire islands, some are building castles, and then there’s those that are just gathering materials and exploring the nether. We try to keep it 19+ for the sake of maturity within the realm. Super casual and fun. We have a nether portal tunnel connecting all our homes to each other for easy access. Starting to put a rail system up for it to make it even faster to travel. We even have a cute village called "Cherry Town!"
I have a discord server for it, which i will link below. If that’s not allowed, please let me know and I can edit to remove.
If it’s been too long for the link to not work, just shoot me a dm or comment here and I can add you to the realm & discord group. The discord group is not required to join the realm, but we all like having a place to discuss in case some of the other members are offline.
Discord link: https://discord.gg/d3e5eMKN
ign: Sopar_LaImputita
Can i join?
Minecraft nickname: EliteGuard_
Hey i’m down to join
ign- iqdatta
IGN- Jazzonherface
If this is still recruiting I would be interested, currently looking for a long term group to join. Minecraft and Discord usernames: Bonesteel
yoooo, i would love to join if you'd have me, ign is williamgormsiet and Williamsietam#3378 is my discord
shoot me a message ^-^
hi the link dosent work anymore
i would really like to join.
im 21 and i like to build villages and citys in a medival style, my ign is minebeen and my discord is gillibeen
Hi I would love to join your realm i am verry good at building farms and at building traps
my IGN is: VoltsKg
my discord is: VoltsKg