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Is this still active? My IGN: Inuyasha00989765
Quote from Minty_Shay» Is this still active? My IGN: Inuyasha00989765
It is not active but the realm always stay opened.
Give me your friends' ign if you have.
inuyasha have been invited.
inuyasha anime brings me back to the old days.
Ign: Bulut6108
Quote from Legendlover76» Ign: Bulut6108
Legendlover76 and Bulut6108 cannot be invited.
You might not have purchased a java minecraft game.
Ign: Diegows
Quote from Diegowss» Ign: Diegows
You are invited.
username: exkd
Quote from SlimDingDong» username: exkd
Gameplay difficulty is changed to easy.
MidnightModder on Discord I look forward to joining!
Quote from CarbonChronos» MidnightModder_ MidnightModder on Discord I look forward to joining!
World reset because of low popularity for new map.
We will revert back to old map but resetting the world and player data.
LIaptocx2479_CN invited success.
discords #5099 failed, but the discord might not be important as I visit the forum regularly as well.
Remember to take your elytras and fireworks at spawn.
Hi username is VoltsKg would love to join
Quote from VoltsKg» Hi username is VoltsKg would love to join
Quote from Lowmou» Can you invite my friend again? His ID is Davidps11011 Discord:David11011
Can you invite my friend again? His ID is Davidps11011
Both davids are invited.
Everyone please give me your friends' ign.
This realm is free of charge!
goatman847 is my user
My discord is PatrickStar#0360
Quote from goatman847» goatman847 is my user My discord is PatrickStar#0360
Is this still active? My IGN: Inuyasha00989765
It is not active but the realm always stay opened.
Give me your friends' ign if you have.
inuyasha have been invited.
inuyasha anime brings me back to the old days.
Ign: Bulut6108
Legendlover76 and Bulut6108 cannot be invited.
You might not have purchased a java minecraft game.
Ign: Diegows
You are invited.
username: exkd
Gameplay difficulty is changed to easy.
MidnightModder on Discord
I look forward to joining!
World reset because of low popularity for new map.
We will revert back to old map but resetting the world and player data.
LIaptocx2479_CN invited success.
discords #5099 failed, but the discord might not be important as I visit the forum regularly as well.
Remember to take your elytras and fireworks at spawn.
Hi username is VoltsKg would love to join
Both davids are invited.
Everyone please give me your friends' ign.
This realm is free of charge!
goatman847 is my user
My discord is PatrickStar#0360