Made this server months ago and some of us just started playing again. Looking for a few extra people to fill up the community. Still have plenty to do on the map, so if you're looking to shoot the breeze with some chill people, leave your tag and I'll send you an invite.
Made this server months ago and some of us just started playing again. Looking for a few extra people to fill up the community. Still have plenty to do on the map, so if you're looking to shoot the breeze with some chill people, leave your tag and I'll send you an invite.
No assholes or minors.
Hi i would like to join my ign is JigglyPuff1209
Awesome, sent you an invite
im down, nat47929
20yrs old happy to play with others or do my own thing
I may take an invite
can't promise i won't try to murder someone or blow someone up
Invite sent nat
Now that's selling yourself hamburgers lol
GhostCurly. I suck at building but i do grind a lot.
hey id like to join name is iamEVOLVE6177 or just iamEVOLVE i think
ill join if possible! Ign: RocketBrodyGames
ill join if possible! Ign: 4leap
I’m down, Hailey222218
Mind if I join? IGN:dwaggers
Hi my name is Katelyn, im 20 IGN: Redpheonix27
ign: foxrain4
MSB_Gaming Add Me