This realm is 2.5 years old and we have some members already though not many are consistently active. The 2 admin play multiple times a week usually 7pm PST - no stealing, killing, or griefing - Basically be kind and ethical. We are looking for a few more players to help fill out the realm and be team players.
We communicate mostly through discord:
User names
If you are interested dm either of us or drop your discord id.
This realm is 2.5 years old and we have some members already though not many are consistently active. The 2 admin play multiple times a week usually 7pm PST - no stealing, killing, or griefing - Basically be kind and ethical. We are looking for a few more players to help fill out the realm and be team players.
We communicate mostly through discord:
User names
If you are interested dm either of us or drop your discord id.
Hi! Im 20 and would love to join a friendly realm!
IGN: minebeen
Discord: gillibeen#6050
but i dont know how activ i can be beause of my work
ey up, sounds fun, would love to join,
IGN: Skulkerr_
Discord#7772 can be active most of the time
Would love to be a part of this!
IGN: fl9t
Discord: float#3711
I am 🧋~Yui-Chan~🧋 on discord please add me back for an aexplanation of why I sant to join the realm.
My discord is : Omega zero rmz3#6215
Ign Is Omegazerormz3
I've been playing since around 2015 (started playing in the ps3
of minecraft then moved to playing bedrock edition (my first
experience with bedrock edition was with the 3ds edition since
that version is a port of bedrock edition) and then started playing
Java edition. I still play both tho, just started to get more into java
since they merged both versions to one purchase.