Oh and if you could show us a photo or smth cause there was some lightning when I was mining with Norfolkowl, was it like only wood griefed or was it everything?
hmm well, there was some thunder, but the would've been fine, ask Norfolk, she can vouch for me, I was with her when there was thunder because, well, we make a good team.
Hey! Im 16 y/o and i consider myself to be a jack-of-all trades within minecraft. I enjoy building(thoughi hate resource gathering) and also have an appreciation for the technical side of minecraft. My ign is nxkill and i go by he/him
Ok for a sec i thought you meant Noobzlord but he has been banned cya
Sincerely JulyNightSky
Oh and my friend would like to join if we are still inviting people
IGN: l0vetrxp
IGN Aluxion
Age 26
Looking to get back into it I enjoy automating things im a subpar builder
I didn't grief anything, I barely played after the villager problem
Also the only reason I would grief is if someone heavily griefed my builds
age: 13 1/2 (yes very precise ik)
IGN: MidniqhtStar (spelt with a q instead of a g)
pronouns: she/her
skills: building, causing mayhem and chaos >:)
Oh and if you could show us a photo or smth cause there was some lightning when I was mining with Norfolkowl, was it like only wood griefed or was it everything?
Everything me and norfolkowl's bases were completely burnt down and we both have stone roofs and the bridge and the signs at spawn
Sincerely JulyNightSky
hmm well, there was some thunder, but the would've been fine, ask Norfolk, she can vouch for me, I was with her when there was thunder because, well, we make a good team.
Oh and I still can't access the realm.
Hey! Im 16 y/o and i consider myself to be a jack-of-all trades within minecraft. I enjoy building(thoughi hate resource gathering) and also have an appreciation for the technical side of minecraft. My ign is nxkill and i go by he/him
IGN: JakeIsSwaggyy
Skills: PvP and building houses and other structures
Pronouns:He and Him
Everyone applied has been invited!! Either already or rn have fun!! We need no more applications, cya! -July
Sincerely JulyNightSky
Got that thought i re invited u sorry over everything
Sincerely JulyNightSky
IGN: ballin_101
Skills farming tryna improve building
Age: 13
IGN: Llama4138
Skills: I don't really have any i just want to play with other people
my ign is gerrie4567
my skills id say are building also i grind quite a lot, i have been playing minecraft since1.7 i am 16 years old and my pronounces are he/him
Lllama user does not work, in Java edition. u might wanna double check all others are invited
Sincerely JulyNightSky
Ign: CrystalDemonn
Skills: helping other players, gathering resources, nice to others
Age 16
IGN EatMoreChickenFL
i like farming and minings
Can I join this realm please? My IGN Is euaek92