So, starting this month i got nostalgic and started playing Minecraft again... But... Its no fun alone so i saw this trend of new realms popping up so i though i'd give it a shot. I tried joining a few realms here but got no response from either of them...
Just looking for people to chill out from time to time, you know, chill stuff.
So, a quick explanation of the server:
- Simply vanilla
- No starting rules. Rules can be created by the players by voting when needed
- Mature players only
Leave your IGN in the comments below and i'll add you as soon as possible.
So, starting this month i got nostalgic and started playing Minecraft again... But... Its no fun alone so i saw this trend of new realms popping up so i though i'd give it a shot. I tried joining a few realms here but got no response from either of them...
Just looking for people to chill out from time to time, you know, chill stuff.
So, a quick explanation of the server:
- Simply vanilla
- No starting rules. Rules can be created by the players by voting when needed
- Mature players only
Leave your IGN in the comments below and i'll add you as soon as possible.
My discord: Elder#0609
hey im down to join my username is FlapoCapo, i added you on discord too!
I would like to join my username is MaroMirkutin also I sent you a friend request on discord
I'd like to join and my ign is noobzlord
Hey I'd love to join. My IGN is ninjagrappami
GCSY Wagons
my ign is oleeeeU101
i'm 13
Still looking for players?
IGN is a2b2. I'm 24 years old so I guess I'm mature.
Discord ID: hylic#1684
if ure still lookin for players id be happy to join
my IGN is "ACasualSiggurk" and my discord is "Just A Casual Siggurk Passin By#7236"
btw i sent a friend request on discord
Hey! If you're still looking for players, I'd love to join
IGN: ItsPlatinum
Age: 22
Age: 17
IGN: Rodannn
Discord: Rodan#0001
my ign is brii971
hey my ign is finessekid2000 it looks cool.
ign: Liviolet
if you could also add my friend, her ign is: naibseli
I added u on disc
disc Venerable#6899
My IGN is AnnieLeonhart__
I would like to join. My name is Simpley66
Hey I would like to join. My name is Simpley pop on discord and my mc name is Simpley66