Hey, i'd like to join your smp. The last one i was on was economy based and died out due to duping and the owner giving people creative mode. I might not be on all the time due to work and school but i'd still play regularly. My Microsoft ID is "VigilanceCake" and my PSN ID is "Wijah_Time".
Yo, I'll join add me on discord!
IGN: RetroDigitalYT
I'm really exited to try to join this, thanks for the chance to join!
Hey, i'd like to join your smp. The last one i was on was economy based and died out due to duping and the owner giving people creative mode. I might not be on all the time due to work and school but i'd still play regularly. My Microsoft ID is "VigilanceCake" and my PSN ID is "Wijah_Time".
Been looking for a good experience and some build projects. Send me an invite if there is still room.
IGN: Gadzeus
ING isaac7003
Discord isaac7003#0814
ING: Bigboigamer4944
I have been looking for something like this for a while, hope to join soon!
Hey, ich würde auch gerne mitmachen.
Zwietracht: Kaibekibi#2411
I would like to join this realm to have fun make friends and generally socialize
IGN: darkx239
Hi are you still looking for members? If so my discord is willaluvslouis#6505
would love to join
IGN : ImstrafeMC
I would like to join
IGN: albertlolz
Hi, my username is Natroe. I would like to join, my discord is Natroe#3849
Hey man can I join? My IGN is Zylothical.
Discord is Zylo Bomb#1938
Hello, Can you invite me?
IGN: Kinash___
Discord: Kinash#4382