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Hi everybody. My friends and I are looking for more people to join our realm.
We would love friendly, dedicated people who like to build and make a really cool realm.
We've been playing for 2 weeks and have a big mansion and the bat cave.
Please no griefing!
Drop your usernames below!
My username is Wyndzee
Mine is Unarmedcannon49
my user is Tabixoxo
my disc is Tabi#8222
Would love to join!
My username is proboygamerguy Pls add me i like minecraft and i am online often
hiya pleas add me on discord so we can talk more and i can update ou when it is up my disc name is Tabixoxo
IGN: AlexisAno
Invite me MrSQWERT
user: technoRFT
My ign is CrawlApokalips
my discord is Goat#8535
Mine is LuluLove23
I would love to join !!!
Please invite me, 123Sophie36.
Thank you
I'd love to join
my username is nocv16
Hey can u add me, im quite good with redstone and building. My username is Brigadoritos
are you guys still looking for members?
I like making auto farms and stuff
Ign: BigBootySteve_
Discord :Alek#9086
Hi everybody. My friends and I are looking for more people to join our realm.
We would love friendly, dedicated people who like to build and make a really cool realm.
We've been playing for 2 weeks and have a big mansion and the bat cave.
Please no griefing!
Drop your usernames below!
My username is Wyndzee
Mine is Unarmedcannon49
my user is Tabixoxo
my disc is Tabi#8222
Would love to join!
My username is proboygamerguy Pls add me i like minecraft and i am online often
hiya pleas add me on discord so we can talk more and i can update ou when it is up my disc name is Tabixoxo
hiya pleas add me on discord so we can talk more and i can update ou when it is up my disc name is Tabixoxo
IGN: AlexisAno
Invite me MrSQWERT
user: technoRFT
My ign is CrawlApokalips
my discord is Goat#8535
Mine is LuluLove23
I would love to join !!!
Please invite me, 123Sophie36.
Thank you
I'd love to join
my username is nocv16
Hey can u add me, im quite good with redstone and building. My username is Brigadoritos
are you guys still looking for members?
I like making auto farms and stuff
Ign: BigBootySteve_
Discord :Alek#9086