Plz can I join I am good at red stone and can do simple things easily I love oak wood and I would appreciate if no one would touch my stuff I like building mansions on islands my username is OrlandoVs9266
Ayo I like to join! My username is appetitopotato I'm just really bored and my one minecraft friend isnt really close with me anymore so i have nobody to play with
Hey! Is this a JAVA realm? If so, I would love to join this realm and play with some people and make friends with them! My IGN is Daksh. Thank you if you add me!
Hello my username is Manlikeshafiq
Hey mate would love to join as well.
GT is Anakha1986
Many thanks!
Gamertag is Syadiya, would love to join
Hi I would like to join my gt: dliquidcourageb thanks
Hello my gamertag is noobnoobybot , I would love to join your realm
Hello my gameretag is noobnoobybot I would like to join your realm I speak English btw
BigFatKoch is my username (yes I am the long lost 3rd Koch brother)
Plz can I join I am good at red stone and can do simple things easily I love oak wood and I would appreciate if no one would touch my stuff I like building mansions on islands my username is OrlandoVs9266
Hi my user is asd129
Hi my name is And my username in minecraft is piano8658094 please let me join in ur realm
Ayo I like to join! My username is appetitopotato I'm just really bored and my one minecraft friend isnt really close with me anymore so i have nobody to play with
My microsoft is PeePoHussken, please add me
My gt is PeePoHussken, i would very much join the realm.
Hi! My minecraft name is starrysky120
Hey! Would love to join. My ign is SyuuNotSyuu
if i can join it will be great thanks Boer7x7x7
Can I be added please I play on Xbox I speak English and won’t destroy anything
My gamer tag is caramcc77 I won’t destroy anything and would love to play
Hey! Is this a JAVA realm? If so, I would love to join this realm and play with some people and make friends with them! My IGN is Daksh. Thank you if you add me!
Xbox gamers is No Name Found02
Been looking for a good realm for a while been playing since minecraft first came out on console
My GamerTag is Killer10152009 I promise I won’t do anything without asking