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Hello guys, I post this paragraph to find out some people to play survival mode minecraft realm together.
If u wanna join this fun party, Write a comment to join or send me the private messages to send me your
Minecraft Java edition game tag.
IGN: Ruzzki
Thanks for your admission, the access to the realm is available from (about) January 5th. Thanks:)
Ign: GetInMyCar
I'm not active a lot, but I'm usually on 2-3 times a week.
My username is Im_Your_Dad_ and I'd be happy to join!
IGN: ancq I would love to join you guys!
IGN: frolixy
IGN: cloud_simmer
IGN: Gaming_Fool223
I would love the experience of playing classic survival with you guys it will be fun
I just about invited you, I hope u enjoy
ign FaitFul
Can I join? My ign is worthington4
It will be fun playing with other people for once
off course
Hello! I'd like to join your realm my ign is MHNDRA. I love to play survival minecraft with friends because i am bored at playing alone in minecraft, and i enjoy socializing with people i've never met before in minecraft <3
I am fairly regular, definitely will play on weekends at the least
IGN: Crane79050
hiya! i'm totally down
IGN: abbygrae
Hello guys, I post this paragraph to find out some people to play survival mode minecraft realm together.
If u wanna join this fun party, Write a comment to join or send me the private messages to send me your
Minecraft Java edition game tag.
IGN: Ruzzki
Thanks for your admission, the access to the realm is available from (about) January 5th. Thanks:)
Ign: GetInMyCar
I'm not active a lot, but I'm usually on 2-3 times a week.
My username is Im_Your_Dad_ and I'd be happy to join!
IGN: ancq I would love to join you guys!
IGN: frolixy
IGN: cloud_simmer
IGN: Gaming_Fool223
I would love the experience of playing classic survival with you guys it will be fun
I just about invited you, I hope u enjoy
I just about invited you, I hope u enjoy
I just about invited you, I hope u enjoy
I just about invited you, I hope u enjoy
ign FaitFul
Can I join? My ign is worthington4
It will be fun playing with other people for once
off course
Hello! I'd like to join your realm my ign is MHNDRA. I love to play survival minecraft with friends because i am bored at playing alone in minecraft, and i enjoy socializing with people i've never met before in minecraft <3
I am fairly regular, definitely will play on weekends at the least
IGN: Crane79050
hiya! i'm totally down
IGN: abbygrae