I would like to join, my username is Kaiser550, and my discord is RA-Phoenix#6929
I've already downloaded the resource pack, and hope to join soon. This seems like a good realm for me because i'm a good builder in the medieval theme.
i had already posted here about this and he sent me a message in discord then removed me before i could even answer for joining and would like to join still. rogue#4940
my discord username is vinnyg0621
i really would love to join this realm/server
my ign is: TheFirStLoGan
discord: Beetlejuice#8184
Sure sounds like fun... ign: Kamhi
Whats your discord username? (with number tag)
This looks like a great realm! I'd love to join it!
My discord is MidnightModder#8162 and my Minecraft username is MidnightModder_
I've downloaded the required resource pack and hope to be on soon
Hey that discord username isnt working, but mine is Bon#6280 try messaging me
I would like to join, my username is Kaiser550, and my discord is RA-Phoenix#6929
I've already downloaded the resource pack, and hope to join soon. This seems like a good realm for me because i'm a good builder in the medieval theme.
Sounds like fun!
IGN: _Pompadour
Discord: Pompadour#3896
Maxima Enema#6731
Not really sure what else I should put here as I guess you'll ask me questions on discord.
Hey, sounds like alot of fun!
IGN: MemOsar
Discord: MemOsar#3152
I love buidling castles, my discord is Kiftdz#5449
number: 8107
can i join IGN Great_Shibe
Gonzo429#3471 this sounds fun
Shibe#0320 is my discord
rogue#4940 this seems quite interesting, if you still have some slots open
this sounds fun still. my username still is vinnyg0621#8107. I think I told you that
i had already posted here about this and he sent me a message in discord then removed me before i could even answer for joining and would like to join still. rogue#4940
My Discord name is :XxVoidStarsxX#7219