Our Realm is a 1.16 Java Vanilla Survival realm that is heavily inspired by Hermitcraft. Hermitcraft datapacks are installed as well. This is a brand new and friendly realm where we offer a discord server with important information and also so you can chat with friends. As of now we have a small community of 10 players and wish to expand a little more.
We look for players who are friendly, mature, active and motivated to build projects and expand our world. You can add me on discord: Glorifition#7298 & contact me for more info on the realm.
More info such as news and important information is posted in Discord Server.
You must fill out this application please:
Discord & #:
Minecraft Username:
What you like to do in minecraft:
How active will you be:
You can also send it to me through discord.
Hope to see players join us and help us expand our small community.
What you like to do in Minecraft: Build, I build for servers a lot so I wouldn't do that unless I enjoyed it lol
How active will you be: I have work now and then so there might be a few days a week I don't get on, but besides that at least 3 hours on my off days(and that's the very least)
What you like to do in minecraft: I just enjoy playing the game in general, I don't have anything in specific I specialize in but I'm efficient in most fields[/i]
How active will you be: I'll definitely at the very least be able to pour around 2-4 hours a day for the most part[/i]
What you like to do in minecraft: I do everything to be honest but currently building and terraforming is my favourite thing to do. I also like to automate as many resources as i can [/i]
How active will you be: i work weekdays and will be on after work mostly everyday and weekends ill definitely be on aswell[/i]
thanks for considering and hope to join you guys soon [/i]
Minecraft Interests: I enjoy building and redstone. More specifically, I like creating automated farms, redstone machines (auto brewing halls, trading halls, secure redstone shops, etc) and implementing them with grand builds. I also enjoy sharing designs and ideas and being part of a community.
Activity: I'll be very active and dedicate at least two hours on most days for the duration of summer vacation.
Questions: Will we have build borders? I have tried to host hermitcraft servers in the past, and found that build borders allow everyone to be in close proximity with one another and allow for better engagement and community feeling. Of course, these borders were later expanded once more land was needed.
What world settings will we use? I personally recommend large biomes to allow for greater land for building in plains, and resources in forests.
What you like to do in minecraft: everything... i love to grind. i can build industrial iron farms. and i love building cities and other big builds[/i]
Discord & #: Super Smol#5429
Age: 18
Minecraft Username: Super_Smol
What you like to do in minecraft: Build and explore mostly
How active will you be: 1-3 hours most days.
Our Realm is a 1.16 Java Vanilla Survival realm that is heavily inspired by Hermitcraft. Hermitcraft datapacks are installed as well. This is a brand new and friendly realm where we offer a discord server with important information and also so you can chat with friends. As of now we have a small community of 10 players and wish to expand a little more.
We look for players who are friendly, mature, active and motivated to build projects and expand our world. You can add me on discord: Glorifition#7298 & contact me for more info on the realm.
More info such as news and important information is posted in Discord Server.
You must fill out this application please:
Discord & #:
Minecraft Username:
What you like to do in minecraft:
How active will you be:
You can also send it to me through discord.
Hope to see players join us and help us expand our small community.
Discord & #: JackD4#0141
Age: 21
Minecraft Username: LumberJack14
What you like to do in minecraft: I like making big builds like iron farms and creating mob grinders and community projects
How active will you be: few hours daily
thanks. i have contacted you on discord. you
Discord & #: sethery#1683
Age: 18
Minecraft Username: sethery
What you like to do in Minecraft: Build, I build for servers a lot so I wouldn't do that unless I enjoyed it lol
How active will you be: I have work now and then so there might be a few days a week I don't get on, but besides that at least 3 hours on my off days(and that's the very least)
Discord & #: Whispernyan#4694[/i]
Age: 16[/i]
Minecraft Username: Whispernyan[/i]
What you like to do in minecraft: I just enjoy playing the game in general, I don't have anything in specific I specialize in but I'm efficient in most fields[/i]
How active will you be: I'll definitely at the very least be able to pour around 2-4 hours a day for the most part[/i]
Discord & #: Cooganss#0495[/i]
Age: 20[/i]
Minecraft Username: Cooganss[/i]
What you like to do in minecraft: I do everything to be honest but currently building and terraforming is my favourite thing to do. I also like to automate as many resources as i can [/i]
How active will you be: i work weekdays and will be on after work mostly everyday and weekends ill definitely be on aswell[/i]
thanks for considering and hope to join you guys soon [/i]
Discord & #: Bojan#4634[/i]
Age: Old[/i]
Minecraft Username: Bojan1967[/i]
What you like to do in minecraft: Building large automated farms and redstone.[/i]
How active will you be: Mostly in the evenings after 5pm (CST)[/i]
Discord & #: [/i]YaUncleJoey#6262
Age: [/i]15
Minecraft Username: [/i]BurkeZerk
What you like to do in minecraft: [/i]Capitalism, Mining, Building Big Walls
How active will you be: [/i]Quite Active, about 4-6 days in the week.
There ain't no Rest for the Wicked.
Discord & #: Czared#7159
Age: 24
Minecraft Username: Czar_ed
What you like to do in minecraft: Building and automating annoying tasks. Also, exploring to find awesome areas to build.
How active will you be: Most evenings and on weekends. Depending on work schedule and on-going projects.
Discord: Steve408#8906
Age: 16
Minecraft Username: Stefan408
Minecraft Interests: I enjoy building and redstone. More specifically, I like creating automated farms, redstone machines (auto brewing halls, trading halls, secure redstone shops, etc) and implementing them with grand builds. I also enjoy sharing designs and ideas and being part of a community.
Activity: I'll be very active and dedicate at least two hours on most days for the duration of summer vacation.
Questions: Will we have build borders? I have tried to host hermitcraft servers in the past, and found that build borders allow everyone to be in close proximity with one another and allow for better engagement and community feeling. Of course, these borders were later expanded once more land was needed.
What world settings will we use? I personally recommend large biomes to allow for greater land for building in plains, and resources in forests.
When will we start?
Discord: variousgods#6554[/i]
Age: 22[/i]
Minecraft Username: Varixus[/i]
What you like to do in minecraft: I love to build and copy farms from youtube.[/i]
How active will you be: I will most likely be on daily.[/i]
Discord & #: Bill Cosby#2858[/i]
Age: 16[/i]
Minecraft Username: Qpxe[/i]
What you like to do in minecraft: everything... i love to grind. i can build industrial iron farms. and i love building cities and other big builds[/i]
How active will you be: 4-5 hours a day [/i]
thanks to all of you who replied. i have added everyone on discord. hope to hear from yall soon.
Discord & #: Super Smol#5429
Age: 18
Minecraft Username: Super_Smol
What you like to do in minecraft: Build and explore mostly
How active will you be: 1-3 hours most days.
Discord & #: Nutter #7247[/i]
Age: 18[/i]
Minecraft Username: GatSumNutter[/i]
What you like to do in minecraft: Play the game my own way while having fun. I like to build and look cool in front of ppl.[/i]
How active will you be: As active as I can, I use all my free time to play games while I'm not working[/i]
invite please
IGN: McSamster
thanks i have contacted you guys gatsumnutter and super_smol.
Mcsamster you gotta fill out the application or add me on discord. thanks.
Discord: Its_Kade_Yt #2841
Age: 14
Minecraft Username: Its_Infinite_yt
I like to build expially creeper farms and iron farms i also like villiager trading halls
I will be active nearly once a day
Thanks Kade_Yt i have added you.