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New realm starting tomorow.
looking for decent players, would love experienced players who like making famrs, good with redstone, grind and maby make big bases and shops.
i for one love to grind and can play 90+ Hours a week
we have 4 people who will Join the realm atm
one player sleep.
also realm is Europe based, US player might lag
leave your discord down below and we can chat more
or add me Rafflekake#3381, but still post a coment here that you added me or with your discord id
Hey, would love to join! Xlepa#0332
I'd like to join as well, discord is johny#5108
ill join just send me a msg ShiroYT#1701
Interested in joining!
Discord: MaestroMan#0093
johny#5108 sorry that discord is invalid. send me a new one? or just add me Rafflekake#3381
Would love to join
discord falmigo#0112
New realm starting tomorow.
looking for decent players, would love experienced players who like making famrs, good with redstone, grind and maby make big bases and shops.
i for one love to grind and can play 90+ Hours a week
we have 4 people who will Join the realm atm
one player sleep.
also realm is Europe based, US player might lag
leave your discord down below and we can chat more
or add me Rafflekake#3381, but still post a coment here that you added me or with your discord id
Hey, would love to join! Xlepa#0332
I'd like to join as well, discord is johny#5108
ill join just send me a msg ShiroYT#1701
Interested in joining!
Discord: MaestroMan#0093
johny#5108 sorry that discord is invalid. send me a new one? or just add me Rafflekake#3381
Would love to join
discord falmigo#0112