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Hello, I'm looking for people to come and join my realm and pass some time! Message me or comment on the thread for an invite.
Edit! We have a good little community right now please link your discord so it's easy to contact everyone!
Hey, IGN Berardy
Looking for friends to play with.
I am 24 btw...
Discord Mr_Leal#3466
i would like to join
IGN: lil_F0X
I would like to play Ign Zerofreeze4000
Do you have discord? it'll make is easier to play!
ign is N1CKN4M3_bruh
discord:N1CKN4M3 YT#0198
username: imadan discord: Dan the Questionable#3333
IGN: Comicguyz
Discord: Mexican boi#5115
Can i join?
My ign is ellagrace1113
My discord is ellagrace1113#7835
Hey, I'd love to join! My IGN is AusLowind
Edit: My Discord is Aus Lowind#1987
Ign- FlareChon Discord name - FlareHen#8289 Age - 27
Hey we are two friends who would like to join. IGN: Keikz and IGN: Dirtgrub69
I'm interested
IGN: Trexus1022
Discord: Tbone #0774
Hi, I play on Xbox one.
Minecraft Username: VoicedChimp
Age: 32
Discord & #: VoicedChimp#0526
Hello, I'm looking for people to come and join my realm and pass some time! Message me or comment on the thread for an invite.
Edit! We have a good little community right now please link your discord so it's easy to contact everyone!
Hey, IGN Berardy
Looking for friends to play with.
I am 24 btw...
Discord Mr_Leal#3466
i would like to join
IGN: lil_F0X
I would like to play Ign Zerofreeze4000
Do you have discord? it'll make is easier to play!
ign is N1CKN4M3_bruh
discord:N1CKN4M3 YT#0198
username: imadan
discord: Dan the Questionable#3333
IGN: Comicguyz
Discord: Mexican boi#5115
Can i join?
My ign is ellagrace1113
My discord is ellagrace1113#7835
Hey, I'd love to join! My IGN is AusLowind
Edit: My Discord is Aus Lowind#1987
Ign- FlareChon
Discord name - FlareHen#8289
Age - 27
Hey we are two friends who would like to join.
IGN: Keikz
IGN: Dirtgrub69
I'm interested
IGN: Trexus1022
Discord: Tbone #0774
Hi, I play on Xbox one.
Minecraft Username: VoicedChimp
Age: 32
Discord & #: VoicedChimp#0526