I made a new survival realm, nothing has been built, so if someone would like to build a spawn building in creative for a few minutes that would be much appreciated. Besides that, it's just flat out survival with strangers. That's minecraft realms, or any server in a nutshell
No personal info needed. Just drop you're IGN down below. I'll get back to you soon after and add you. Please be mature, there are backups very much accessible to me, so don't even bother messing with people's stuff.
Take care, hope to create a nice little community.
I made a new survival realm, nothing has been built, so if someone would like to build a spawn building in creative for a few minutes that would be much appreciated. Besides that, it's just flat out survival with strangers. That's minecraft realms, or any server in a nutshell
No personal info needed. Just drop you're IGN down below. I'll get back to you soon after and add you. Please be mature, there are backups very much accessible to me, so don't even bother messing with people's stuff.
Take care, hope to create a nice little community.
Hey! would love to join.
IGN: Jason4700
Hello! for some reason I am not in the realm anymore and I got removed.
Hey guys check your private messages.
I'll add you both in like 20 min. Don't worry!
Update - Both are added!
I'm interested, mi ign is Inivision.
I'll bite. I've been looking for a nice vanilla community to enjoy.
Ign: Brandic
Both are added! Have fun and I'll see you on sometime!
IGN Johan_XX
HI i would love to join
IGN : NekatinGaming
Hey I’d like to join ign: learykp53
Would like to join zerofreeze4000
Alright - added are:
zerofreeze4000, Brandic, Inivision, NekatinGaming, and Johan_XX
My mc username is frostmagic2002 so don't be shy! See you all on soon!
I would love to join this vanilla survival realm!
IGN: Boosted123
By the Way what version is this on?
mrnoob994 this is on 1.15.2
Alright, I added Boosted123 and imadan.
Welcome aboard you two!
I would love to join your realm!
IGN: Flipscus
I would like to join
IGN: lil_F0X the o is a zero
I would like to join.
IGN Berardy
Alright -
Berardy, lil_FOX, and Flipscus are added.
See you online soon! Please be mature and help make this a great community!