we have some datapacks like 1 Player Sleep and Mob Head Drops. We're currently on a world thats roughly 2 months old, we're planning on having shops. Hoping to find some new players that have fun building things in Minecraft.
Discord will be needed. Not neccessarily for talking, just for general server-communication !
If you're interested, leave a message down below telling us what your favourite thing about Minecraft is.
Add me on Discord if you want! kiar#6087
Looking forward to seeing new players building awesome things on our realm! =)
im just wanting to join a good smp like server with some cool people, i personally like building things but not on my own. im a pretty mature player that just loves playing minecraft and just recently got java (im 18 if that means anything in the long run)
we have some datapacks like 1 Player Sleep and Mob Head Drops. We're currently on a world thats roughly 2 months old, we're planning on having shops. Hoping to find some new players that have fun building things in Minecraft.
Discord will be needed. Not neccessarily for talking, just for general server-communication !
If you're interested, leave a message down below telling us what your favourite thing about Minecraft is.
Add me on Discord if you want! kiar#6087
Looking forward to seeing new players building awesome things on our realm! =)
Ign: TheFirStLoGan
Beeltejuice#8184 (discord)
i like to explore and build houses
IGN Editname
Discord: EditName#5589
I love building and surviving
Nothing can go here but time itself.
EditName joined us!
Ign Auricula
Discord CrumplyHat#0856
I like to build farms and play Minecraft with others.
Added you!
Favorite Thing In Minecraft
Spending long periods of time building big bases and redstone contraptions, I'm also a fan of as custom iron-farms.
Added on Discord!
IGN: theF3RNyyy
discord: FERN#3204
im 17 but im mature, im also very active and know how the game works pretty well
if interested please add me
had to create an account just to reply to threads*
IGN: Sp0ops
Discord: Spoops#8991
im just wanting to join a good smp like server with some cool people, i personally like building things but not on my own. im a pretty mature player that just loves playing minecraft and just recently got java (im 18 if that means anything in the long run)
IGN: Mirumie
discord: Mirumie#4407
(request sent)
IGN: Th3 MoNsTaH
Discord: th3monstah#0330
I like to build for dayz..
Accepted your friendrequests on Discord / Added you! =)
Welcomed 4 new people today. Sat in Discord together playing. Still taking new people.
IGN: Jamessssss
Discord: Jamessssss#6520
Hey, I enjoy the building and adventuring aspects of Minecraft but other than that I like to idea of shops / trading with other players. Thanks
Very cool person
Added you on Discord. =)
IGN : elfestera
discord : elfestera #9593
EXP : 5 year
age : 26
IGN: BadBiscuitz
Discord: BadBiscuitz#9487
Just love to build stuff and think it's cool to be able to share that with other people.
Added all of you.
Had 2 new people join today. Still looking!
We're 8 active people atm