- A bunch of gamers collabbing on some Minecraft projects to rid themselves of the boredom of quarantine.
- Semi vanilla Minecraft realm, first installation of data packs is happening today and more coming in future. A google docs of datapacks that are currently in use is in our realm discord. I also coded illusioners to spawn naturally in our realm. The intention is to add sufficient improvements to the realm while still sticking to the core of vanilla minecraft. Another goal is to make the game more difficult and therefore interesting, but not impossible.
- I plan to run this realm for a long time, at least for the next two months. Might even move to a server if the maximum realm capacity is reached (we already have a decent amount of active members).
- We allow mostly everyone, but we prefer 18+. Age range on the server is 16-23.
If interested please drop the following info in the comments below:
Discord (important but not necessary)
Fav thing to do in Minecraft
If you join, read the rules at spawn
If you need to contact me, my discord is narm#4323
- A bunch of gamers collabbing on some Minecraft projects to rid themselves of the boredom of quarantine.
- Semi vanilla Minecraft realm, first installation of data packs is happening today and more coming in future. A google docs of datapacks that are currently in use is in our realm discord. I also coded illusioners to spawn naturally in our realm. The intention is to add sufficient improvements to the realm while still sticking to the core of vanilla minecraft. Another goal is to make the game more difficult and therefore interesting, but not impossible.
- I plan to run this realm for a long time, at least for the next two months. Might even move to a server if the maximum realm capacity is reached (we already have a decent amount of active members).
- We allow mostly everyone, but we prefer 18+. Age range on the server is 16-23.
If interested please drop the following info in the comments below:
Discord (important but not necessary)
Fav thing to do in Minecraft
If you join, read the rules at spawn
If you need to contact me, my discord is narm#4323
My Discord is TheMoistMistake#5919 and my ING is TheMoistMistake.
I just like automating as much as I can, and when all is ready, i build stupid, but fun stuff lol
i'm hella bored during this quarantine so I'd love to join yall. especially now that I have a ton of time on my hands and will be online quite a bit.
IGN: theF3RNyyy
Discord FERN#3204
I'm 17 but mature and I'm very active, pretty much 8h daily most days.
Had to create a new account just to post this*
IGN: Mirumie
Discord: Mirumie#4407
I do like building, won’t say i can do impressive things, but not terrible at it
Too lazy to connect my life with redstone
IGN: Sp0ops
Discord: Spoops#8991
My favorite thing to do in minecraft is just have fun, survive, and build some pretty cool things with some cool people (also im 18 btw)
invites sent to everyone before this comment
IGN: CanadianTony
Discord kingtony #4920
Fav thing to do in Minecraft: I am still kinda new. I like to honestly just gather resources and learn some red stone stuff
Hey, i would like to join, am 19
IGN: OldPoseidon
Discord: SadBlood#6168
Fav thing to do in Minecraft: Doing farms and building.
everyone invited so far
IGN : elfestera
Discord : elfestera #9593
Fav : building and hang out
IGN: BadBiscuitz
Discord: BadBiscuitz#9487
Love to automate farms and build big things. Would love to share builds with some other people.
IGN - suziqme
Discord - suziqme#2172
I love the survival aspect of MC. Vanilla Survival is ideal.
Love building and renovating villages into cool looking towns.
invited all
IGN - ItsPlatinum
Discord - Platinum#7815
I love doing huge builds like mega bases, etc.
IGN - Saitos_
Discord - Saitos#5420
Im 19
My favorite thing to to is mine. Totally okay with sharing ores i mine.
I'm an ok builder
Minecraft Username: Modga
Discord: Emolga#1411
Fav Minecraft Thing: Building (especially my base, roads, shops, anything of sorts), editing landscapes (ravines, forests, hills), finding and taming animals.
Age: 17
Kenlyn1995 ign
I love mining for diamonds!
Username: picklepeepee (I made it forever ago)
Discord: caesarkent#7776
Age: 29
I like designing buildings/villages and homesteading
Username: theTrueWS
discord: theTrueWS#9765
age: 19
what I like to do: build
everyone invited so far
Kenlyn are you sure your IGN is spelled correctly? It said couldn't find user when i tried to add Kenlyn1995