Just a causal survival realm with few of my friends started a realm and we are looking to make it more lively with long term builders. Mostly untouched world. Looking for people around our age(20+). We are mostly from California and play in the afternoons.
Just a causal survival realm with few of my friends started a realm and we are looking to make it more lively with long term builders. Mostly untouched world. Looking for people around our age(20+). We are mostly from California and play in the afternoons.
Add me on discord for application. thBeast#1792
hello, just sent a friendrequest in discord, my ign is su6ar
i sent you a friend req on discord, my ign: elfestera, my discord: elfestera#9593
Hello. sorry for the late replies I work till night but I will try to get to your friend request asap while working.
i added you my discord is dm602#1306
Mine is jseg1234. I am 23 and live in PST
Hey, just sent a friend request, my user is SadBlood#6168