me and my two friends are looking for a active hermitcraft like realm, we are all norwegian and 16. our playstyle is making farms and then selling the items, we are also grinders, able to take the dragon the first day.
my discord is Rafflekake#3381 and my ign is Rafflekake.
Hi! Just started a new minecraft realm to help pass the time during this Quarantine just fun, no griefing please! Leave your IGN below
me and my two friends are looking for a active hermitcraft like realm, we are all norwegian and 16. our playstyle is making farms and then selling the items, we are also grinders, able to take the dragon the first day.
my discord is Rafflekake#3381 and my ign is Rafflekake.
Thank you.
oh a fellow hermitcraft fan!! added
My ig is N1CKN4M3_bruh
my IGN is bonzaai
I'm tired of playing alone IGN: Elecman7
discord : akchy1991#4606
Hi can I join? IGN: Myst1q
Can I join username KermitIsS0Hot
IGN: IronToonz
sassyshrek and pdiddybep
IGN: Rikimbili
or try: Raciel4583
Hi ! please add me, thanks !
IGN : elfestera
discord : elfestera#9593
Im looking for a Fresh realm for my brother and I to start on. We enjoy just about everything MC, and are team players.
My IGN: CjInstinct
His IGN: Kaltheloser (KALTHELOSER)
My discord is CjInstinct#1080
My IGN: zeph195
I like to play with other people