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new players wanted for hard Java realm, if you 21+ and like having a laugh then come join us
Hi im Daniela, Im 27, looking for bedrock realm where I can build in peace. My nick is llllDanillll
hi, sorry I should have said in description that this is a java realm
Hey man can you please add me
Age: 23
(I dont really want to see little kids in game)
Discord: Lippenlos#4573
IGN: IkemalHD
I have too much free time so i can spend building and creating on your server mate
hey mate. down to join
(kids in game are the bane of my existence)
Dark Knows no such things as jokes.
free time in isolation so would love to spend time doing building on server
IGN is Grimistakes, i am over 21 one and would like to join a java realm how would i go about doing that?
IGN OliverMxwell
I'm 28 and would like to join
new players wanted for hard Java realm, if you 21+ and like having a laugh then come join us
Hi im Daniela, Im 27, looking for bedrock realm where I can build in peace. My nick is llllDanillll
hi, sorry I should have said in description that this is a java realm
Hey man can you please add me
Age: 23
(I dont really want to see little kids in game)
Discord: Lippenlos#4573
IGN: IkemalHD
I have too much free time so i can spend building and creating on your server mate
hey mate. down to join
(kids in game are the bane of my existence)
Dark Knows no such things as jokes.
free time in isolation so would love to spend time doing building on server
IGN is Grimistakes, i am over 21 one and would like to join a java realm how would i go about doing that?
IGN OliverMxwell
I'm 28 and would like to join