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Just inviting people to my survival world realm just msg me your username and Ill add you.
1. No greifing or trolling
Thats pretty much it I just want some people to play with ;-;
Gamertag is Nichinator123
IGN: Jason4700
IGN: SCar98
IGN: Tharivol38
Username is EricaBean
IGN is BurkeZerk. I'm The Factions Guy, Rail Guy, Nether Hub Guy, and Ice Highway Guy. And A Known Corporatist.
There ain't no Rest for the Wicked.
IGN: TacticalPotato
Builder for life
Gamertag: jakeyjoey12
IGN = Lesmith
i hope its not too late for me to join haha my ign is mmmicrowave <3
XxCorruptFirexX java or bedrock cuase i have bolth
IGN: Mxlah
Just inviting people to my survival world realm just msg me your username and Ill add you.
1. No greifing or trolling
Thats pretty much it I just want some people to play with ;-;
Gamertag is Nichinator123
IGN: Jason4700
IGN: SCar98
IGN: Tharivol38
Username is EricaBean
IGN is BurkeZerk. I'm The Factions Guy, Rail Guy, Nether Hub Guy, and Ice Highway Guy. And A Known Corporatist.
There ain't no Rest for the Wicked.
IGN: TacticalPotato
Builder for life
Gamertag: jakeyjoey12
IGN = Lesmith
i hope its not too late for me to join haha
my ign is mmmicrowave <3
XxCorruptFirexX java or bedrock cuase i have bolth
IGN: Mxlah