The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I joined it and idk maybe my discord couldn’t be found because I am appearing offline to avoid a friend who is being extra ... not caring of people not wanting to play there fav game with them. XD
Recruiting to fill up my large biomes realm for mature players. Got friends you want to bring in? Post their IGNs as well!
%100 all survival
I would love it if different groups set up towns or home in different biomes to connect via nether tunnel
active players of all types and time zones welcomed
multiplayer sleep data pack added
New realm less than a week old.
I'm interested in Joining.
IGN: Darkalyas
Invite sent! Join the discord if you got one
Hi I am interested in joining as well. Alynn88 is my IGN and I am 31 years old and my discord is MamaMercy#1018
Awesome I’ll invite you around 5pm central time when I get off work
IGN is gups333. Would love to get an invite
You’re in!
MamaMercy#1018 Could not find your discord but you can click the link in the original post to join
I joined it and idk maybe my discord couldn’t be found because I am appearing offline to avoid a friend who is being extra ... not caring of people not wanting to play there fav game with them. XD
5 people in the realm right now! Drop an IGN!
I'm interested in joining.
ign Beedablo
Can my friend join?
ign Creedablo
Can i still join?
I am the Magical CAT
I’ll invite you around the 5:3 central time
Would love to join! IGN is SuperSith89. Two friends who may want in are Copdon and Vladimir_Tod.
Invite will come in about 2 hours hang tight and join the discord
All are invited